Crash, Splash, Gulp! Some of These 55 Examples of Onomatopoeia Might Surprise You

Confused by the oddly-spelled word? Here's the definition of onomatopoeia.

According to Merriam-Webster, onomatopoeia is the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it. Boing, bang, click, pitter-patter...these are all examples of onomatopoeia. While the spelling is complicated, the definition of onomatopoeia is not a tough one to grasp.

We are unknowingly using onomatopoeia within our everyday conversations. You may use them to describe noises that your pets make. Or, you could use onomatopoeia to explain the behaviors of the weather patterns that day. Any time you refer to a word whose pronunciations imitate the sounds in which they describe, you're using onomatopoeia.

Onomatopoeia is also a very powerful tool for writers. The more you can immerse a reader into the fantasy written world, the better. By utilizing onomatopoeia in writing, the reader is immediately transported into the story. It's very interactive for a reader to hear the sounds and feel the emotions they're trying to invoke in their head.

Still confused about what an onomatopoeia is? Or, maybe you're looking to spruce up your writing with more descriptive words. We've got 55 examples of onomatopoeia listed out below.

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55 Examples of Onomatopoeia

1. Gulp

The soccer team couldn't stop gulping water after their game.

2. Gargle

After brushing her teeth, Sydney gargled with mouthwash.

3. Sizzle

The delicious bacon is sizzling on the skillet.

4. Bang

My favorite part of rock 'n roll concerts is when the drummers start to bang on the drums.

5. Thud

His mom was so angry that she threw the backpack with a loud thud.

6. Crash

The cymbals made an extremely loud crash.

7. Clap

When the performance came to an end, the audience went wild and everybody was clapping their hands.

8. Splash

The ducks flew into the pool and it made a huge splash.

9. Crackle

The wood crackled and smoked as the hot fire continued to burn.

10. Knock

Did you hear that? I think I heard a knock at the door.

11. Tap

Miss Smith continued to tap her fingers nervously along her desk.

12. Hiccup

Winston let out a series of hiccups after chugging three root beers.

13. Snort

I told my husband such a funny joke that his laugh turned into a snort.

14. Slurp

They all slurped on soup for dinner.

15. Sprinkle

You could hear the light sprinkle of a summer sun shower outside.

16. Pop

On the 4th of July, fireworks fill the sky with color and lots of pops.

17. Moo

The cow let out an aggressive moo at the cow-tipping invaders.

18. Chatter

It was so cold outside that Addison's teeth were chattering.

19. Hiss

The snake slithered and hissed around.

20. Hum

She calms herself down by singing a quiet hum to herself.

21. Chirp

It seemed like all of the birds were chirping this morning.

22. Neigh

The horse was so excited to see her owner that she neighed with excitement.

23. Fizz

She opened the bottle and the soda fizzed all over the counter.

24. Woof

Every Monday, my dogs woof crazily at our pool cleaner.

25. Grumble

Henry's stomach was grumbling all through the morning.

26. Bop

With a quick bop on the head, my friend woke me out of my slumber.

27. Quack

Jeffrey shared his bread with the quacking ducks.

28. Purr

Every time I pet him, my cat starts to purr.

29. Smack

When we saw the waitress coming around the corner with our meal, we couldn't help but to smack our lips in anticipation.

30. Roar

Any time a lion lets out its fierce roar, every animal close by can hear it.

31. Ring

I answered the phone after it wouldn't stop ringing off the hook.

32. Rev

People that own sports cars enjoy revving up their engines.

33. Toot

Remaining stationary at a green light warrants you to toot your horn.

34. Rustle

The wind blew and the piles of leaves rustled.

35. Swish

Rhonda's three-pointers always make the net swish effortlessly.

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36. Groan

He fell to the ground and groaned in pain as he grabbed his knee.

37. Squeak

My shoes were wet from the rain and I squeaked all over the house with them.

38. Cluck

The clucking chickens are guaranteed to give you an early wake-up call.

39. Howl

It's a full moon tonight, and I swear I heard the wolves howling at it.

40. Moan

She rolled over on her side and moaned in agony.

41. Oink

The pigs oinked with excitement at the sight of their dinner.

42. Clatter

He knocked the dishes off the tables with a headache-inducing clatter.

43. Burp

Walter let out a loud burp after eating his meal.

44. Slap

She bellyflopped into the deep end with a large slap on her stomach.

45. Beep

I asked him to call my lost phone in case we could hear it beep.

46. Drip

We could hear the drip from the gutters after the rainstorm.

47. Cough

Grandpa couldn't stop coughing in church last Sunday.

48. Babble

The forest was so quiet and serene, all you could hear was the babble of the river.

49. Zip

Once Sara realized how cold it was, she quickly zipped up her jacket.

50. Buzz

Bees are always buzzing around my daisy flowers.

51. Zing

Ty zinged the boomerang across the field with power.

52. Drizzle

It's not pouring rain outside, but there is a light drizzle right now.

53. Thump

I accidentally dropped my backpack with a loud thump and it startled everybody in the classroom.

54. Flap

It was so windy outside that the flag was flapping nonstop.

55. Screech

There is nothing worse than the sound of nails screeching across a chalkboard.

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