Cranberry Almond Chia Pudding Recipe

3 jars of chia pudding
3 jars of chia pudding - Miriam Hahn/Tasting Table

Chia pudding has come a long way over the years with hundreds of variations. Once you realize how easily chia pudding can be customized to suit various tastes, it will win you over, becoming your favorite go-to morning meal. You can add a wide range of flavorings, sweeteners, and toppings to create endless flavor combinations. Let's face it, mornings are busy and who has time to create a balanced breakfast while juggling work, kids, and exercise?

Wellness coach and recipe developer Miriam Hahn brings us this recipe for cranberry almond chia pudding and says, "Why not ring in the holiday season with cranberries when they are bountiful? They're loaded with health benefits and offer a tart, slightly sweet flavor to complement the neutral chia seeds. Plus, the ruby red color is a gorgeous way to brighten up your chia pudding."

Keep reading to learn how to make this seasonal chia pudding with cranberries! You can make it at night and it'll be waiting for you in the morning!

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Gather The Ingredients For Cranberry Chia Pudding

cranberry chia pudding recipe ingredients
cranberry chia pudding recipe ingredients - Miriam Hahn/Tasting Table

To make this recipe, there's a short list of ingredients. You'll of course need some cranberries, and fresh or frozen will work. If you're in the produce aisle also grab an orange, then move on to the dry goods section and get some chia seeds, maple syrup, cinnamon, vanilla, and slivered almonds. Then head to the refrigerated section and pick up soy milk and whipped cream, if you want to get fancy when topping.

Step 1: Combine The First 5 Ingredients

adding chia seeds to bowl
adding chia seeds to bowl - Miriam Hahn/Tasting Table

In a medium bowl combine the chia seeds, soy milk, 3 tablespoons maple syrup, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, and vanilla.

Step 2: Pour Into Containers

3 jars of chia pudding
3 jars of chia pudding - Miriam Hahn/Tasting Table

Distribute the mixture into 3 jars, cover, and place in the fridge for 1-2 hours or until it has solidified.

Step 3: Zest And Juice The Orange

zesting orange
zesting orange - Miriam Hahn/Tasting Table

Zest and juice the orange.

Step 4: Make The Cranberry Compote

adding cranberries to pot
adding cranberries to pot - Miriam Hahn/Tasting Table

Add the cranberries, remaining maple syrup, and orange juice to the pot and bring to a boil, then simmer for 10 minutes.

Step 5: Add The Toppings

adding almonds to the top
adding almonds to the top - Miriam Hahn/Tasting Table

Top the chia pudding with the cranberry mixture, slivered almonds, and orange zest before serving.

How Can I Customize This Chia Pudding?

chia pudding with whipped cream
chia pudding with whipped cream - Miriam Hahn/Tasting Table

There are many ways to customize cranberry chia pudding. Adjust the level of sweetness to your liking by using more or less maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, or another sweetener of your choice.

Enhance the flavor with spices such as allspice, nutmeg, or cardamom. A pinch of these spices can add warmth and depth to the pudding. Adjust the creaminess by using different types of milk. You can opt for almond milk, coconut milk, cashew milk, or regular dairy milk, depending on your preference and dietary restrictions.

For added texture and a different appearance, consider mixing in other seeds or grains, like flax seeds, hemp seeds, or rolled oats. Create a layered effect by alternating the cranberry chia pudding with layers of yogurt or different fruit compotes. If slivered almonds aren't your favorite, try walnuts, pecans, cashews, or sunflower seeds. Or for the added protein and flavor without the crunch, add a dollop of almond butter, peanut butter, or any nut butter you like for a creamy and nutty flavor.

What Pairs Well With Chia Pudding?

3 jars of chia pudding
3 jars of chia pudding - Miriam Hahn/Tasting Table

Even though chia pudding is a complete breakfast on its own, should you want to serve it with something else, there are plenty of options. A simple and healthy option is to serve the cranberry chia pudding with a side of fresh fruit. Berries are a popular choice, but you can also use sliced bananas, kiwi, or citrus segments.

A layer of granola on top of your cranberry chia pudding adds texture and a delightful crunch along with the almonds. Serve the chia pudding with a dollop of yogurt. Greek yogurt or dairy-free alternatives like coconut yogurt work well. It adds creaminess and extra protein. If you're serving the chia pudding for brunch, consider serving it with quiche, a side of muffins, scones, or pastries. All will look beautiful together.

Pair your chia pudding with a hot cup of tea or coffee to complete your breakfast or dessert experience. Or go for more fancy fun with a pumpkin-spiced latte or a cold brew. Whether it's a grab-and-go or a sit-and-savor type of day, you're going to enjoy this breakfast!

Cranberry Almond Chia Pudding Recipe

jar of chia pudding with spoon
jar of chia pudding with spoon - Miriam Hahn/Tasting Table

Prep Time: 1hCook Time: 10mYield: 3 ServingsIngredients

  • ½ cup chia seeds

  • 2 cups soy milk

  • ¼ cup + 3 tablespoons maple syrup, divided

  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla

  • 1 orange

  • 1 ½ cups cranberries

  • ⅓ cup slivered almonds

Optional Ingredients

  • whipped cream


  1. In a medium bowl combine the chia seeds, soy milk, 3 tablespoons maple syrup, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, and vanilla.

  2. Distribute the mixture into 3 jars, cover, and place in the fridge for 1-2 hours or until it has solidified.

  3. Zest and juice the orange.

  4. Add the cranberries, remaining maple syrup, and orange juice to the pot and bring to a boil, then simmer for 10 minutes.

  5. Top the chia pudding with the cranberry mixture, slivered almonds, and orange zest before serving.

Read the original article on Tasting Table.