Crab Cakes And Hush Puppies Join Forces For A Must-Make Appetizer

Hush puppies on board with sauce
Hush puppies on board with sauce - Bhofack2/Getty Images

From battered pickles to mozzarella sticks, fried appetizers are a satiating and hearty way to pregame dinner. But why stick with the classics when you can revolutionize the way you enjoy appetizers? Enter crab cake hush puppies -- a fusion of two world-famous appetizers at the intersection of seafood and comfort classics.

At first glance, crab cakes and hush puppies have little in common. But when combined, they construct a luxurious blend of Maryland's coastal cuisine and down-home Southern fare. Crab cake hush puppies boast the briny, buttery goodness of lump crab without compromising that delicate whisper of sweetness from the cornmeal coating of good old-fashioned hush puppies. Between the soft, creamy quality of lump crab and the crunchy exterior of deep-fried hush puppies, these well-matched appetizers offer foodies an exciting contrast of textures in just one bite.

Neither hush puppies nor crab cakes are complete without their respective dipping sauces, but don't fret because you don't have to choose sides. It's not just the individual appetizers that mesh well; it's their dips, too -- remoulade tartar sauce, anyone?

Read more: 12 Underrated Types Of Fish You Should Try At Least Once

Making Crab Cake Hush Puppies

Crab cake hush puppies with garnish
Crab cake hush puppies with garnish - X, formerly known as Twitter

While it might sound like something only a professional could hack, cooking crab cake hush puppies is simpler than you'd think. Making this show-stopping finger food is as easy as combining crab meat with its patty accouterment -- breadcrumbs, mayonnaise, diced onion, bell peppers, celery, seasoning, and an egg. Coat the patties in a cornmeal batter made with flour, baking powder, buttermilk, and more seasoning before deep-drying until golden brown.

The best frying oil for crab cake hush puppies is one with a high smoke point and a neutral flavor profile to allow the flavors of the hush puppies and crab cakes to shine. Vegetable, canola, peanut, or grapeseed oil are all excellent choices for deep-frying. If you don't want to deep-fry your crab cake hush puppies, try alternative cooking methods using an oven, air-fryer, or stovetop grill.

There are a couple of tips to keep in mind when making crab cake hush puppies. First, be cautious with seasonings and adjust to taste so overwhelming spices don't dull the succulent flavor of the crab. Additionally, cook time depends on the frying method and size of the crab-kissed hush puppies, so monitor them until they're as crispy as you'd like.

Customizing Crab Cake Hush Puppies

Hush puppies with sauce and lemon
Hush puppies with sauce and lemon - Lauripatterson/Getty Images

As always, playfulness in the kitchen is encouraged, so don't hesitate to customize this funky appetizer to match your unique tastes. For a spicy kick, introduce diced jalapeños or red pepper flakes into the crab cake mixture or the hush puppy batter, while fresh herbs like parsley, chives, or dill can add an aromatic twist to this seafood-cornmeal crossover. Of course, you can never go wrong with a bit of citrus zest, either. And if you want to eat like Paula Deen, her souped-up recipe for crabby hush puppies calls for bacon bits.

For presentation and pairings, serve these fried crab bites over a fresh bed of lettuce and pair with a creamy slaw. If you're sharing with guests, throw them into a fried fish platter alongside shrimp, oysters, and gator paired with a smorgasbord of dips and dressings. If neither option speaks to your senses, whip up a batch of Louisana dirty rice and smother it with a creamy herbed sauce for a full entrée.

So step aside, PB&J; there's a new dynamic duo on the culinary block!

Read the original article on Daily Meal.