Cozy Up to This CBD Mocktail Recipe for a Non-Alcoholic Hemp Hot Toddy

Photo: Papa & Barkley

The best way to spend a heinously cold night is curled up inside, hot toddy in hand. If you're exploring the idea of stopping drinking (or cutting back), or just aren't into whiskey, try this hemp hot toddy recipe from Papa & Barkley. It trades alcohol for black tea and a few drops of hemp extract, so you won't get buzzed. And no, you won't get high either—the hemp extract drops in this recipe contain CBD but not THC, the latter of which is the psychoactive element of cannabis. (Related: This Green CBD Smoothie Recipe Will Make Your Morning Oh So Chill)

Adding CBD to your bedtime drink is a genius move for two reasons: First, it's been suggested to have anti-anxiety effects, so it may help promote a sense of *calm* right before you go to sleep–definitely a plus if you're feeling stressed about extra family time over the holidays. Second, CBD might help you actually fall asleep. It's been shown to help combat insomnia in multiple small-scale studies. (Note: Be sure to opt for decaf tea for this recipe if that's your aim.)

So grab your largest mug and chunkiest blanket and whip this up when you wanna relax. (Also, go ahead and book yourself a CBD massage.)

Hemp Hot Toddy


  • 1 tablespoon honey

  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

  • 1 teaspoon ground cloves

  • 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg

  • 7 ounces hot black tea

  • 4 drops of Papa & Barkley Essentials hemp drops (approximately 7 mg of CBD)

  • 1 lemon wedge


  1. Pour honey, lemon juice, and spices into a large mug.

  2. Top with hot tea, stir, then add Essentials hemp drops and lemon wedge to garnish.