Couple wins for best movie-themed engagement photos

Actors Jackie Nguyen and Nate Huntley ditched the traditional lovey-dovey engagement photo shoot for something straight out of the movies. They teamed up with photographer Isaac James to bring some of their favorite dynamic duos to life. Huntley told People, “We’re huge nerds, and we picked the nerd couple that we relate to the most, like ‘Back to the Future,’ Harry Potter, Marvel, those are, like, the big nerdy ones.” The creative couple totally delivered! They gave us major “Home Alone” vibes as bad guy burglars Harry and Marv. There’s something about Rose and Jack’s “Titanic” love story that had the engaged pair never letting go (swoon). “It was so fun just walking around in public as these different characters. It was just the best,” Huntley recalled. The two are getting married in April, but don’t expect them to go over the top for their wedding pics. “We’re gonna do the normal wedding photos,” he said. “We have certain surprises or the wedding itself, which will definitely be good photo ops, but as far as the wedding photos? We may go real classy.”