Couple Vacationing in Turks and Caicos Get Once in a Lifetime Dolphin Encounter

While on vacation, Emma noticed that her boyfriend had been swimming for two hours when she received a phone call from him. He tells her to grab the Go-Pro, comes to pick her up, and what happens next is an amazing dolphin experience that dreams are made of.

Watch the following beautiful video posted by TikTok user @eburnze and get ready to have total vacation jealousy.

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Over 5,000 comments are absolutely amazed by this beautiful dolphin encounter and @Yolk comments, "He left a magical moment, knowing that if he left, it could leave, to share it with you. That is something special girl." That is so true! He had no idea that the dolphins would still be there but he wanted to share it with his girlfriend. This guy's a keeper! @Jourds adds, "Love how he risked never seeing her again to come pick you up to share the experience." @Tita replies, "He had a once in a life time experience... and he chose to go get YOU to share it."

@Scott noticed the time lag and hilariously posted, "Bro, if I waited 2 hours to tell my wife I was swimming with dolphins the whole time. I can just sign my own death certificate on the spot." LOL! Hey, it's all good! She got her dolphin experience too.

We aren't sure how this affects your brain chemistry but we are sure that a core memory was made right there. I'm sure no other vacation this couple takes will compare to this one.  This may be the best vacation story ever. This couple will never forget it!

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