The countries making it easier for Britons to visit in 2018

Visa-free trips to Belarus are now possible - marcoprati - Fotolia
Visa-free trips to Belarus are now possible - marcoprati - Fotolia

Perhaps the biggest concern for holidaymakers after Brexit won’t be the colour of their passports but the ease with which they will be able to explore the world without spending weeks waiting for approval from a foreign embassy.

Britons currently own one of the world’s most powerful travel documents.

At a glance | The world's 25 most powerful passports

According to Henley + Partners, British travellers can dash off 173 countries without applying for a visa – only seven nations (Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Spain and the US) can visit more. It seems likely that travel to and from EU countries won’t be hindered, but will trips further afield come with more red tape?

The good news is that that figure of 173 is growing - 2018 is the first full year that Belarus permits Britons to visit without a trip to its diplomatic mission in London's Kensington Gardens. They must, however, fly in via the capital Minsk (although few do otherwise), hold a valid insurance policy, and leave within five days.

Kazakhstan, land of futuristic skyscrapers and Borat, recently renewed its visa-free arrangement with the UK. Until December 31 of this year, UK travellers will be able to stay for up to 30 days without the need for a trip to the Kazakh embassy on Pall Mall.  

Shanghai - Credit: ALAMY
Shanghai Credit: ALAMY

China is also making it a little easier for Britons to visit. Both Beijing and Shanghai now offer a six-day “transit permit”, which removes the requirement for a visa so long as you arrive (by air or sea) from one foreign country and depart to another.  

One of Ethiopia's rock-hewn churches - Credit: getty
One of Ethiopia's rock-hewn churches Credit: getty

Other countries to have relaxed their restrictions over the past year include Ethiopia, which launched a new e-visa option in June (only for those arriving via Addis Ababa Bole International Airport), India, which increased the maximum validity of e-visas from 30 to 60 days in April, and Vietnam, which recently extended its visa-free arrangement with the UK until June 30 (2018), for stays of up to 15 days.

Why would I want to visit Belarus?

A fair question. Belarus is frequently described as Europe’s “last dictatorship”, and retains the death penalty. Its capital is also the continent's least "liveable" city, according to Mercer’s most recent Quality of Living Rankings.

May the Dewey Decimal System be with you - Credit: ©megastocker -
May the Dewey Decimal System be with you Credit: ©megastocker -

And it is the world’s most sozzled state. The average citizen consumes the equivalent of 17.5 litres of pure alcohol annually, the World Health Organisation estimates - more than any other nation. That’s equal to 179 bottles of wine a year – or almost five shots of vodka a day.  

But it does have the 16th-century castles at Mir and Nesvizh, herds of bison, and a National Library that looks like something out of Star Wars.

Lake Kaindy
Lake Kaindy

So would Kazakhstan be better?

Perhaps – though it’s hardly an advertisement for democracy either. Nursultan Nazarbayev has been its president for 28 years (he even wrote the lyrics to Kazakh national anthem).

The 20 destinations you must visit in 2018

Nevertheless, it has the Shymbulak ski resort, visited by Prince Harry in 2015, the spectacular Charyn Canyon, and ethereal Lake Kaindy, created by an earthquake in 1911.

What were the other countries you mentioned?

If China is more your bag, check out our guide to Beijing. Or else read these inspiring features on Vietnam, Ethiopia and India.