Could the Right Water Bottle Be the Secret to Staying Slim and Energized?

We know we should be drinking more water. . . and still as many as 95% of women over the age of 40 aren't optimally hydrated, maintains Howard Murad, MD, author of The Water Secret. And the older we get, the greater our risk for dehydration. Why is that a problem? "As we age, cell membranes weaken and are less able to hold water, so we need to drink more." At the same time, we're less likely to register thirst, so we have no idea how parched we are.

What we do feel: the downsides of dehydration. "Water is essential for looking and feeling our best: It plumps up skin, controls hunger, aids in weight loss and keeps energy, mood and mental processes at their peak," says Fred Pescatore, MD, medical director of Medicine 369 in New York City. "When the body isn't receiving sufficient amounts, every internal system can suffer, leaving us drained, physically, mentally and emotionally."

Then again, you probably didn't need a doctor to tell you all this: You know that if you drank more water, you'd look and feel better, so why don't you? Because it can get real boring real fast. That boredom is what's driving a TikTok phenomenon dubbed #WaterTok, which features viral videos of women making flavored waters using sugar-free syrups and powders.

Not a fan of fancy, flavored waters—and the additives they contain? You're in luck! A new study says that you can win at the hydration game simply by choosing a container that will keep you motivated to keep sip-sip-sipping.

What is a motivational water bottle?

A motivational water bottle is a reusable water bottle that can hold anywhere from 32 ounces to one gallon of water. These bottles are typically made of glass, plastic or metal and are emblazoned with times of day and encouraging phrases like “You’ve got this!,” “Keep chugging!,” and “Almost there!” Having these markers on the bottles is meant to help you stay on track with your hydration goals and provide a visual guide for how much water you should be drinking by a certain time.

Why should I use a motivational water bottle?

The benefits of these bottles are clear. By gamifying your hydration, they encourage you to drink more water than you normally would. Gamifying healthy behaviors can help with motivation and ultimately have a positive impact on well-being, according to a review in the journal Internet Interventions. Think of drinking the water and getting it down to the right level at the right time of day as crossing a task off your to-do list or reaching a daily step goal using a step tracker. As a bonus, drinking from a reusable water bottle is already a smart choice, as single-use plastics are major sources of pollution, so these bottles are environmentally friendly. The encouraging messages printed on the bottles make sipping feel fun — and by reframing drinking water as a game rather than a chore, you’re more likely to do it.

Which motivational water bottle is best?

With these pros and cons in mind, you can consider whether a motivational water bottle is right for you. If you find yourself struggling to get your eight glasses or more a day and need some encouragement, a motivational water bottle could be just the thing to help you be a little happier, healthier, and more hydrated. Not sure which bottle to buy? This 32-ounce bottle is perfect for beginners (Buy from Amazon, $9.99). For those seeking extra hydration, try a half-gallon bottle (Buy from Amazon, $22.99). And if you really want to go the extra mile with an extra-big bottle, this one-gallon option should do the trick (Buy from Amazon, $16.36). All of these bottles are highly rated and come in a rainbow of colors. Happy hydrating!

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