You Could Get Paid to Travel Through Greece With Your Best Friend — and All You Have to Do Is Instagram It

Getting a job that lets you travel sounds like a dream, but you can actually do it thanks to a travel company in Greece.

According to Metro, the travel company Unforgettable Greece is looking for an Instagram-savvy traveler to spend nine-days in Greece while taking breathtaking photos of your trip.

The lucky person chosen for this job would basically take over the Unforgettable Greece Instagram account for their trip, and get paid 550 euros (a little over $600 USD) to do it, according to Greek City Times. The travel company will also fund your stay in some of the best hotels in the country and give you a Samsung S10 to take photos, just in case your phone isn’t up to snuff, according to Metro.

Even better, the lucky person selected can even bring a friend along for the journey.

Fortunately, there are tons of photogenic places to go in the country. Besides the gorgeous, white-washed buildings of Santorini, which are undoubtedly plastered all over your vision boards and Pinterest feeds, there are tons of iconic historical sites like the Parthenon, beautiful islands with beaches with soft sand and clear blue waters, amazing food, comfortable resorts, and tons of other tourist attractions.


The company says that their ideal candidate, according to Greek City Times, is someone “who knows how to capture eye-catching Instagram shots and isn’t afraid to throw themselves into different activities and new environments.”

To apply, all you have to do is upload your best travel photo to Instagram (publicly) and tag @UnforgettableGreece while using the hashtag #UnforgettableInstagrammer in your caption. Applications are open until Nov. 15 at 11:59 p.m. BST (British Summer Time). It’s important to note the time difference depending on which time zone you’re in.

Greece isn’t even the only country where people can be paid to travel. Guinness put out a call for a special beer reviewer to try out the best bars in Dublin back in September, and searched for the best canine critic (and their human companion) to visit the best pet-friendly hotels all over the world.