Costco's Shopping Carts Have Divided The Internet

Costco shopping cart with groceries
Costco shopping cart with groceries - dennizn/Shutterstock

If you've ever experienced the frustration of a wonky shopping cart at Costco, you may be in luck. A shopper reported on Reddit that their local Costco has rolled out (pun intended) brand-new carts, which elicited a variety of responses from fellow members of the warehouse retail chain. In addition to the smooth function of the shopping carts, some new design features, such as "deeper baskets," definitely had shoppers talking. While some people praised these tweaks — The Kitchn previously described the store's carts as "heavy and unwieldy," so they seemed due for a change — others wondered how they might impact other customers.

One commenter mentioned that elderly customers, disabled people, and pregnant shoppers might have difficulty navigating the greater basket depth. One person stated that this design could potentially lead to "dead zones," meaning areas within the basket that are harder to reach. Handles on the new carts are also a bit higher than the previous versions, which makes navigating the store more challenging for numerous Costco members. Other new features look great in theory, but it's clear that customers have concerns when it comes to how the updated design will impact the shopping experience.

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Costco Shoppers Raise Questions About Convenience And Safety

placing item into a shopping cart
placing item into a shopping cart - ARTYOORAN/Shutterstock

It's not uncommon for parents to take their little ones on Costco runs, which is why most shopping carts feature a helpful child seat. The child seats on the new Costco carts are situated a bit higher than members are used to, while the seat itself lacks the depth of the previous design. In addition to being more challenging to hoist children into the higher seat, some people question how safe this design is when it comes to their kids. One parent stated, "Even buckling my 3yr old in, if he leans over all the way I feel like he'll fall out."

While not quite as crucial as child safety, the new carts also lack convenient features that make the shopping experience a lot easier. Although lots of members stop by the Costco food court for a beverage to take along while shopping, the revamped carts feature no cupholders. As one person passionately exclaimed, "We have the technology!" Also, these Costco carts lack swiveling wheels that move in all directions, similar to the cart design featured at Ikea.

These changes are unlikely to have a major impact on shoppers when it comes to their fervent dedication to the warehouse retail chain. However, it does call into question why shopping cart designs aren't approached thoughtfully, especially when it comes to a store as popular as Costco.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.