The ‘Costco For Vegans’ Is Expanding To More Of The U.S. After Becoming A Hit In Hawaii

Photo credit: ANGELA WEISS - Getty Images
Photo credit: ANGELA WEISS - Getty Images

From Delish

It's never been easier to go vegan in the U.S. With the rise of plant-based meats, vegan options at your favorite restaurants and fast-food joints, and grocery stores carrying vegan food, more and more people are able to adapt this lifestyle. And for those of us in the continental U.S. it may be getting cheaper pretty soon too.

A vegan wholesaler called VEDGEco is slated to expand its operations into the mainland U.S. later this summer, VegNews reported, and it means big things for vegans and lovers of plant-based food alike. The retailer is currently based in Hawaii and right now, only customers living there can purchase their food. But starting August 1, the store will begin to service customers in the lower 48 states.

VegNews referred to VEDGEco as the "Costco for Vegans" because it operates on a similar model. It's a wholesale retailer that sells vegan-only items to restaurants and customers at wholesale prices. That means you can get groceries like Beyond Meat, Daiya, Gardein, and Impossible Foods in bulk at lower prices than you'd find in other stores. Plus, you don't have to worry about wading through a ton of other goodies to get to the vegan stuff.

The store will open as an e-commerce site serving the mainland U.S. which means you can order these foods online and they'll be shipped right to your door in eco-friendly and foam-free packing materials. If this whole thing has made you as excited as it has made me, you're probably already dreaming up your first order. You can take a look at the product listings over at their Hawaii site here, because chances are they'll be pretty similar to what you'll find if you live outside the area. Happy ordering!

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