Costco Shoppers Are Stunned By This Massive $63 Chocolate Bunny

Costco chocolate rabbits in boxes
Costco chocolate rabbits in boxes - Costco Japan

How can it be Easter season already when there's almost a month to go before Valentine's Day? Welcome to the wacky world of warehouse shopping. Of course Costco's got its chocolate bunnies out already, and yes, it's living up to its reputation as being the premier retailer of bizarre buys by offering an enormous one that's got social media all atwitter — or aTikTok or anInstagram, as the case may be. Commenters are remarking not so much on the size — the bunny is two feet high if it's an inch — but on the cost of the item. After all, at $63.99, it costs even more than an annual Costco membership.

One Costco fansite, posting on both TikTok and Instagram, shared a video of a bunny unboxing because yes, they actually did shell out the big bucks to bring home this behemoth. While the reviewer seemed pretty pleased with the purchase (perhaps it was tax deductible?), many of the commenters declared that there was no way they'd ever drop such a sum on a novelty confection no matter how large. Others might have found the price tag more fitting had the bunny been solid rather than hollow or made of gold instead of chocolate.

Read more: Mistakes Everyone Makes When Shopping At Costco

Is The Big Bunny Really Such A Bad Bargain?

Costco cart outside store
Costco cart outside store - Jetcityimage/Getty Images

When determining the actual value you're getting for your money here, the most pertinent factor isn't the bunny's height but how heavy it is and the one offered for sale at Costco weighs in at 4.4 pounds. This works out to about 91 cents per ounce of chocolate. Yes, you can find chocolate rabbits for cheaper — one of the least expensive ones we've found comes in at around 44 cents per ounce.

Despite how goofy the Costco bunny looks, it does appear to be a fairly upscale brand of chocolate as it comes from a Canadian chocolatier called Rochef (with an "f" at the end, so no relation to the Italian brand Ferrero Rocher). Some of the chocolate figurines sold on Rochef's website retail for over $3.50 per ounce, while even its chocolate bars cost around $1.75 per ounce. Even so, some Instagram commenters seem skeptical about how good the chocolate could be, perhaps because many Easter candies of similar appearance tend to be of poor quality. The rabbit reviewer, however, describes it as "insanely creamy and delicious" and concludes the video by declaring it to be "one of the best chocolates I've ever eaten."

Read the original article on Mashed.