Costco Is Selling Cheesecakes That Come In Reusable Ceramic Pots

Photo credit: COSTCOBUYS - Instagram
Photo credit: COSTCOBUYS - Instagram

From House Beautiful

When it comes to desserts, the bigger the better. And Coscto never fails to deliver with an endless array of giant sweets like two-pound red velvet cakes and three-pound cookies.

But did you know that Costco also sells several desserts in chic reusable ceramic pots, which means they come ready for their close-ups on Instagram? We've previously highlighted the chocolate fudge lava cakes from from the U.K.-based Pots & Co. Now, our stomachs are swooning over the brand's upside down lemon cheesecakes, which sound like a summer in a bite.

Layers of zesty lemon curd are layered in the cheesecake, which is topped with a handmade cookie crumble. As with the lava cakes, every package contains four desserts, and no artificial ingredients are used. The cheesecakes were spotted by Instagrammer @CostcoBuys, who made it as far as the parking lot before stopping to write: "My mouth is watering just thinking about it."

One commenter confirmed they are indeed "delicious." Another pitched the purchase as "free cake." "You're actually buying a 4-pack of ramekins, and it comes with free cake as a bonus," the individual explained. Umm .... Who doesn't love free cake? I love free cake!

If lava cake isn't your thing, Costco has you covered. It's only been what, like, five seconds since the retailer released a new dessert? You can also try their giant tubs of brownie and cookie dough that can be eaten raw or baked into delicious sweets. Or, if you're looking for an adult treat, Costco is also selling pre-made Jell-O shots that come in party packs of 24 cups, so clear some space in your fridge ASAP.

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