Costco Is Selling a 5-Pound Cheesecake That Tastes Like Thanksgiving

Photo credit: Angela Bax - Getty Images
Photo credit: Angela Bax - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Cooler weather is a telltale sign that the holidays are here, and that means many celebrations. If time isn’t on your side, Costco has a solution so you can still contribute to the party on Thanksgiving: Grab this 5-pound cheesecake.

The Harvest Spice Cheesecake has a sweet graham-cracker crust and is filled with sweet potato and pumpkin flavors. It’s topped with brown sugar to create the ultimate fall dessert for just $14.99.

Keep in mind that this cheesecake might be labeled as pumpkin cheesecake, but double-check the ingredients to make sure it’s the Harvest Spice one. Whatever it’s called, it’s so good.

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