This Costco-Exclusive Chocolate-Peanut Butter Treat Is So Good, I'm Hiding It From My Family

I haven’t decided if I’ll share it with them or not.



My packed lunch throughout my school years, from first grade through senior year of high school, was always peanut butter and jelly. I still love PB&J, mostly because of the PB. I simply love the taste of peanut butter. And when it’s mixed with chocolate? It’s a winning combination. As a kid at Halloween, I would trade almost all of my other candy to my siblings so I could have all the peanut butter cups.

Back then, there was seemingly only one peanut butter cup in the game, but now there are other options, including Justin’s, a brand that makes a variety of organic nut butter cups and organic nut butters, including PB, of course.

Last night, I stood in my kitchen at about 10 p.m. chowing down with my sons on a new chocolate peanut butter treat from Justin’s that just launched at select Costco stores. Today, that treat is hidden away from them.

Justin’s Chocolate Nutty Cone Mini Peanut Butter Cup Mix



It’s easy to get carried away when munching on snack mix. When you combine sweet and salty elements and make it super convenient to grab by the handful, it's all too easy to eat more than you intended.

Let me tell you, without extreme determination, it will be very hard to not eat more than you intend to of Justin’s Chocolate Nutty Cone Mini Peanut Butter Cup Mix, inspired by popular ice-cream toppings. The mix includes mini-sized organic dark chocolate peanut butter cups, dry roasted peanuts, almonds, dark chocolate peanut candy pieces, white chocolate-covered cocoa-dusted peanuts, and snackable bits of waffle cone (made with rice flour).

It’s a satisfying combination of salt and sweet plus peanut butter and chocolate. The little waffle cone pieces—which I thought wouldn’t be that big of a deal in the mix—turned out to be one of my favorite parts.

At first, though, it didn’t register to me what they were. I kept seeking out the little pieces and said to the boys “I don’t know what these are but I can’t stop eating them.”

“Those are the cones,” replied one of them. Duh.

Get This Indulgent Snack Mix While It Lasts

There are two more things you need to know about this hard-to-resist snack mix. The 18-ounce bags just landed at Costco and are available only at select Costco stores in the Northeast. And, the mix will be available only while supplies last. At this time, Justin's has no plans to make more.

But, the brand should consider doing so, because the Chocolate Nutty Cone Mini Peanut Butter Cup Mix is really, really good. And as I said, I’ve hidden what’s left of it from my kids to make sure I get some more before it’s all gone, and I'm not sure I'll share any more of it with them.

Read the original article on All Recipes.