Can the Coronavirus Spread Through Shoes?

Can the Coronavirus Spread Through Shoes? Researchers in Wuhan, China tested several air and surface samples in the intensive care unit (ICU) and a general COVID-19 ward at Huoshenshan Hospital. The results, published in the CDC’s journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases, show that many samples tested positive for COVID-19. One surprising hotspot for COVID-19 was the hospital’s floors. 70% of the floor samples from the ICU tested positive for COVID-19, versus about 15% of the general COVID-19 ward floor samples. What’s shocking is that 100% of samples from the hospital’s pharmacy floor (where there were no patients) tested positive for COVID-19. It's likely that the virus was “tracked all over the floor” of the by hospital workers treating patients with COVID-19. The study demonstrates how easily the virus can spread, and how much new information researchers are learning every single day about the coronavirus. This is why taking certain precautions just to be safe (like not wearing shoes in the house) really isn’t a bad idea.