This Corgi Optical Illusion Is Absolutely Insane

Photo credit: Instagram, @KarmaTheeCorgi
Photo credit: Instagram, @KarmaTheeCorgi

From Cosmopolitan

Skydiving is probably one of the top ten scariest things humans can voluntarily do, so why on earth would anyone subject a poor dog to the same fate? That's what the internet was wondering when they saw this picture, which makes it look like a corgi is about to get launched into the sky.

Photo credit: Instagram, @KarmaTheeCorgi
Photo credit: Instagram, @KarmaTheeCorgi

If you're casually scrolling through your timeline and see this, you probably have to do a double take because seriously, what is happening here? WHO WOULD DO THIS?

Have no fear, because if you watch the original video, posted by @KarmaTheeCorgi on Instagram, it turns out the corgi is actually just about to get launched into... a pile of snow. Please, see for yourself: