This Cool Old Farmer's Almanac Tool Will Tell You If You'll Have a White Christmas

Photo credit:  Fredrik Sundvall - Getty Images
Photo credit: Fredrik Sundvall - Getty Images

From House Beautiful

We have great news for anyone dreaming of a white Christmas (which is... pretty much all of us, right?)—the Old Farmer's Almanac created a handy-dandy tool to help you determine the chances of snow in your area on December 25th.

While the idea of a fresh blanket of snow on Christmas morning sounds like a holiday dream come true (minus the shoveling, of course), the truth is that during most years it's a rare occurrence in many parts of the U.S. The Old Farmer's Almanac has already predicted warmer temperatures and fewer snowstorms this year, but the weather pros have also recently released more specific forecasts for Christmas day itself.

In the Northeast and other parts of the country, snow flurries will likely occur just before Christmas, but may not last through Christmas Day, while in the northern midwest and plains regions, snow-friendly temperatures are expected to last through the holidays, so a white Christmas is more likely. In other areas, it may not be chilly enough to warrant snow, so Christmas could be rainy and wet. (Southeastern states, we're looking at you!)

If you're curious about your specific town, the Almanac experts have made it easier than ever to get a customized prediction. All you need to do is head to their website, enter your city and state or postal code, and the predictor will let you know what kind of weather to expect for Santa's visit.

If you're one of the lucky areas with snow in the forecast, we wish you the best of luck with your snowman-crafting, snowball fighting, and sledding adventures.

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