Cooke County Library's Summer Reading program coming soon

May 1—Cooke County Library's Summer Reading programs begin June 1, with signups running through June 15. Children and adults of any age are welcome to participate, and sign-up is free. Just stop by the library to get signed up.

There are three different programs for children, teens and adults. This year the theme for all three reading programs is "Adventure Begins at Your Library." Each program has different reading requirements and different prizes.

The Friends of the Library will be this year's sponsor for the big prizes. They are providing three Amazon Kindle Fires to be given away at the end of the reading programs. There will be the chance for one adult, one teen and one child to win. The adult raffle is for those 18 years old and up; the teen raffle is for those 12-17 years old; and the children's raffle is for those 2-11 years old.

Every time a Cooke County library card is used, the cardholder gets a chance to win a Kindle Fire. For more detailed information, visit the Kids tab on the Cooke County Library website at or call the library at 940-668-5530.