How to Cook Broccoli 8 Different Ways—Including Grilled, Roasted, and More

Upgrade your broccoli game with our tips and tricks.

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Broccoli is a vegetable workhorse, adding green to any meal that needs a nutritional punch. Once you find a cooking method that you like, it’s never a chore to chow down on some broccoli. Maybe you like a quick boil in salted water for bright green, crisp-tender broccoli, or maybe you prefer broccoli hard-roasted in the oven for a charred flavor and crunchy bits. You can serve broccoli on its own as a side, or you can turn it into a slaw, fold it into pasta, or blitz it into pesto, for a few ideas. 

Here, you’ll find eight methods for how to cook broccoli at home; just don’t be surprised if you find yourself sneaking sweet, earthy broccoli into every meal.

Related:How to Cook Asparagus 8 Different Ways—Including Grilled, Roasted, and More

How to Boil Broccoli

Boiled broccoli doesn’t have to be mushy and flavorless; in fact, a short boil in salted water yields bright green florets that maintain a little crunch. A generous amount of salt in the water is the key to flavorful boiled broccoli, so don’t be shy.

  1. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil.

  2. Add broccoli florets, and cook for a few minutes, or until bright green and crisp-tender (or longer if the florets are larger, or if you prefer a softer texture).

  3. Drain, then serve.

How to Steam Broccoli

Steamed broccoli is a classic side dish, and comes together within 5-6 minutes on the stovetop. Adorn it with lemon juice, olive oil, and salt when it’s done steaming, and you have a nutritious side dish ready to plate.

  1. Add a couple inches of water to a saucepan, and bring to a boil.

  2. Place a steamer basket on the saucepan, and add broccoli florets to the basket. Cover, turning the heat to low, and steam for about 5-6 minutes, or until bright green and crisp-tender (or longer if the florets are larger, or if you prefer a softer texture).

  3. Remove the florets, then serve.

How to Roast Broccoli

If you think you’re not into broccoli, try roasting it! Roasting at a high heat gives broccoli a crispy texture and charred, caramelized flavor. To ensure crispiness, make sure to dry the broccoli completely before you begin cooking.

  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

  2. Toss broccoli florets with olive oil and salt, then add to a baking sheet, making sure there’s plenty of space between the florets.

  3. Roast for 15-20 minutes, or until nicely browned and crispy.

  4. Carefully transfer the broccoli to a plate, and serve.

Related:30 Healthy Roasted Vegetable Recipes That Practically Cook Themselves

How to Grill Broccoli

Broccoli isn’t a cookout classic, but it should be! Like roasting, grilling gives broccoli a charred flavor and crispy texture, and grilled broccoli only takes about 10-15 minutes to cook.

  1. Set your grill to high. While it heats up, toss broccoli florets with olive oil and salt.

  2. Place a grill basket on the grill, and add broccoli florets to the basket.

  3. Grill the broccoli, tossing regularly, for about 10-15 minutes, or until nicely browned and crispy.

  4. Remove broccoli from the grill, and serve.

How to Sauté Broccoli

If you like your broccoli to keep some crunch, try sautéing it for a few minutes in a skillet with a drizzle of olive oil. Smaller florets are best for this method, as large, woody florets will take too long to tenderize. To give your sautéd broccoli a little flavor boost, try adding some garlic to the pan with the olive oil. You can also flavor your finished broccoli with a sprinkling of red pepper flakes or Parmesan cheese.

  1. Add a couple tablespoons of olive oil to a skillet, and turn the heat to medium-high.

  2. Add broccoli florets, and sauté for about 3-4 minutes, tossing regularly.

  3. Remove the broccoli, and serve.

How to Cook Broccoli in an Instant Pot

Use an Instant Pot for extra speedy steamed broccoli. On high pressure, it’ll only take 1-2 minutes for the broccoli to steam to perfection.

  1. Pour ½ cup of water into the Instant Pot, then add the steamer basket.

  2. Place the broccoli florets into the basket, then secure the lid and pressure cook on high pressure for 1-2 minutes, or until the broccoli reaches your desired tenderness.

  3. Remove the broccoli, season, and serve.

How to Cook Broccoli in an Air Fryer

If you like roasted broccoli, you’ll probably like air-fried broccoli, too. With an air fryer, you’ll get crispy, charred broccoli in about 8 minutes (half the time it takes to roast).

  1. Toss broccoli florets with olive oil and salt.

  2. Add broccoli to the air fryer basket, and set to 400 degrees for 8 minutes, or until nicely browned and crispy.

  3. Remove the broccoli, and serve.

Related:16 Best Air Fryer Recipes That Are *Almost* Too Good to Be True

How to Cook Broccoli in a Microwave

If you don’t have a steamer basket or an Instant Pot, you can still steam broccoli by using the microwave. Remember that not every microwave has the same strength, so it might take some playing around to perfect this method.

  1. Add broccoli florets to a large, microwave-safe bowl.

  2. Pour a splash (roughly ¼ cup) of water into the bowl.

  3. Cover the bowl with a microwave-safe plate so that steam can’t escape.

  4. Microwave on high for 4-5 minutes, or until the broccoli reaches your desired tenderness.

  5. Strain the broccoli to get rid of any excess water.

  6. Transfer to a bowl, season, and serve.

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