The Contested Origins Of Dr Pepper's Name

Four cans of Dr Pepper in a line against a white background
Four cans of Dr Pepper in a line against a white background - Noderog/Getty Images

When it comes to sodas, Dr Pepper is certainly an iconic one. The bubbly beverage contains a fusion of 23 different flavors, and there are plenty of fascinating facts about the drink in existence. However, one aspect that seems to be lacking a solid story is how Dr Pepper got its name. What we do know is that the drink was first sold in Morrison's Old Corner Drug Store in Waco, Texas, in 1885. Pharmacist Charles Alderton is credited with the invention of the beverage, but the store's owner, Wade Morrison, was the one who sold and marketed it. Although the logo and slogans of the drink have evolved over the years, the name has remained the same. But where did the name actually come from, and was Dr. Pepper a real person?

The company's official website claims to have the answer. It states that Morrison fell in love with a doctor's daughter — specifically, the daughter of Dr. Charles Pepper. Despite the corporate Dr Pepper site sharing this tale, the story has been contested over the years, with a few different versions being shared — and it may not be true at all. In fact, there's one major red flag in the tale that would make it pretty concerning if it were.

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The Timeline Doesn't Look Good For This Tale

Old-style Dr Pepper in glass bottles
Old-style Dr Pepper in glass bottles - Asiantiger247/Getty Images

The story is still circulated, despite its lack of credibility, with several different versions in rotation. Some variations state that the drink was named as thanks to the doctor for his approval of Morrison's marriage proposal to his daughter, although they ultimately didn't go through with the wedding. Others suggest that Morrison named the drink for his future father-in-law before asking for his daughter's hand in marriage, perhaps as a way to win over his favor.

The story may seem wholesome on the surface, but the real timeline reveals a darker twist. At the time of the drink's release and subsequent naming, Morrison was 19 years old. And while this is of legal age to get married, the alleged young Miss Pepper was not. She would have been only eight years old at the time. We certainly hope that this story was spun simply to create an interesting tale regarding the name of the drink and that there was nothing of great concern at play.

One Version Of The Tale Is More Likely To Be True

Cola in cup with ice and straw up close from above
Cola in cup with ice and straw up close from above - Susan Quinland-Stringer/Shutterstock

So, where did the name come from, if not for the father of Morrison's first love? There is another variation of the tale that fortunately doesn't suggest the existence of any child brides. This story states that Morrison actually worked for Dr. Charles Pepper when he lived in Rural Retreat, Virginia. According to this version, Pepper must have been a pretty great boss. It's said that Morrison named the drink in honor of his former employer despite refusing Morrison's request to marry his daughter.

At the end of the day, it seems Morrison did not end up marrying anyone from the Pepper family. Instead, he left Virginia for the Lone Star State. While living in Texas, he opened his own drug store — the one where Dr Pepper was first sold — and married a woman from Round Rock, Texas.

Unfortunately, it seems as though the actual story of how Dr Pepper got its name will remain a mystery. Nevertheless, there are many ways to utilize the soda, whether you choose to pour some into your brownie mix for extra flavor, marinate your meat in it, or simply sip on an ice-cold can (despite once being marketed as a hot beverage). Whichever way you choose to enjoy the drink, it remains a popular soda to this day, even without a definitive naming story.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.