Confused Springer Spaniel Adorably Tries to Play Fetch With a Statue

If there's one thing all dogs love to do, it's play fetch. PJ is a Springer Spaniel and there's nothing he likes to do more than play fetch with anything he can find. Good Morning America shared a video that PJ's mom recorded of PJ trying to get a statue to play fetch with him, and it's adorable!

GMA shared the video on Facebook in early May. It shows PJ dropping a small stone at the foot (literally) of the statue in hopes that the 'man' would pick it up and throw it to him. Watch how persistent PJ is in trying to get the man's attention!

He was so confused as to why the man didn't want to play with him! GMA commenters got a kick out of the adorable video, saying how cute PJ is and also people tagging friends. How could anybody turn down that cute little face?!

Related: Springer Spaniel Pushes His Limits with Petting Senior Dog Sibling

More About PJ Playing with the Statue

The 9-year-old Springer Spaniel is “obsessed with playing” and that “no one is safe from his persistence" according to his mom, Ellie Byrne. Ellie told Storyful, “He will find the smallest leaf, pebble, or twig and drop it at people’s feet for them to throw it. Only in this case, the feet belonged to a statue.” She recorded the video in County Clare, Ireland where famous Irish actor Richard Harris has a statue in his honor from his Harry Potter days (he played the original Albus Dumbledore). You can even hear Ellie say, “Is Richard not cooperating?" as PJ continuously taps the statue's foot in an attempt to get its attention.

It's not surprising that PJ is obsessed with playing and chasing things. Spaniels are a working breed known for their work ethic and abundance of energy. The American Kennel Club (AKC) says that long walks, chasing things, and swimming are among their favorite things to do. They also love playing in the mud, something that most pet parents dread.

Spaniels love their humans and prefer to be with their owners constantly. They require daily activity and can quickly become bored. Boredom leads to destruction, and they often end up chewing whatever they can find or excessively barking. Long walks, lots of playtime, and early obedience training and socialization are a must for these dogs.

They also have a knack for making their humans feel guilty... kinda. This breed is one of the dog breeds that just look sad all of the time. Those droopy ears and eyes can make you feel guilty! Other dog breeds with a similar look include Basset Hounds, Pugs, Saint Bernards, Bloodhounds, and Dachshunds.

I think PJ is adorable! Ellie told Storyful that this is a pretty regular occurrence with him and the statue. She's also shared a video of PJ dropping a twig at the statue's feet, begging Richard to play fetch.

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