The complimentary reason King Charles called Princess Margaret a completely different name

 King Charles called Princess Margaret Margo
King Charles called Princess Margaret Margo
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It has been revealed that Princess Margaret received a very sweet nickname from her nephew, King Charles when he was just a little boy.

Back in the August 1953 edition of woman&home magazine, an article from Marguerite D. Peacocke, the author of The Pictorial History of Windsor Castle, revealed a charming story about the nickname young King Charles had invented for his aunt, Princess Margaret, who was just 18 when her nephew was born.

The royal commentator wrote, "Princess Anne has always been accustomed to meeting young people of all ages, Princess Margaret, for instance, was such an extremely young aunt when Prince Charles was born that he was never taught to call her 'Auntie'. It was taken for granted that he would use her Christian name." So because of her youth, she was accidentally given a sweet nickname - that's actually an entirely different name!

As he was just a young boy, Charles found it difficult to pronounce 'Margaret' and instead called her 'Margot'. The article explained, "But like most children just beginning to talk he found 'r's' rather a problem and therefore invented his own private version which was interpreted as 'Margot'." So Margot became her new nickname - and it stuck!

Princess Margaret
Princess Margaret

This charming nickname stuck and according to letters written between 1949 and 1950 from Princess Margaret to an American socialite and daughter of the then US ambassador to the Royal Court, Sharman Douglas, the Princess was extremely fond of her nephew.

In the letters obtained by the Daily Mail, the Princess wrote about Charles and called him 'heavenly'. "In that last fleeting moment in the 400 (the 400 Club in Leicester Square) you said you'd like to come and see my heavenly nephew. I don't know quite when you stop work but...I would adore to show him to you," she said.

Princess Margaret
Princess Margaret

Royal Family nicknames are common within the family, and 'Margo' became a go-to name for the Princess. So much so that Prince Harry and Prince William reportedly called her 'Great Aunt Margo'. In the Duke of Sussex's autobiography, Spare, the Prince spoke about 'Margo' and the bizarre gift she once gave him for Christmas.

"Standing before my pile, I chose to open the smallest present first," the autobiography read. "The tag said: 'From Aunt Margo.' I looked over, called out: 'Thank you, Aunt Margo!'" The Princess responded, "I do hope you liked it, Harry." The Duke was surprised to unwrap a biro, "But it wasn’t just any biro, she pointed out. It had a tiny rubber fish wrapped around it. I said: ‘Oh. A fish biro! OK.' I told myself: That is cold-blooded."

Princess Margaret
Princess Margaret

Later he also used her nickname as he talked about how they were both 'Spares'. Harry said, "It struck me that Aunt Margo and I should’ve been friends. We had so much in common. Two Spares."

"Her relationship with Granny wasn’t an exact analogue of mine with Willy, but pretty close,” he wrote. "The simmering rivalry, the intense competition (driven largely by the older sibling), it all looked familiar."