The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin, review: Noel Fielding gets back to his comic best

A singular talent: Noel Fielding in The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin
A singular talent: Noel Fielding in The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin - Joseph Lynn/Apple TV+
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At first glance The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin might look like a vanity project for Noel Fielding, but further investigation reveals that it absolutely is.

Remarkably, Apple TV+ has given the Bake Off presenter full license to say whatever he thinks is funny and generally prat about with his comedy friends for larks. Fielding essentially plays himself in a tricorn hat, bringing his brand of absurdist, knowing humour to the most tousled of shaggy dog stories – a grab-bag of cock-and-bull tales about the legendary highwayman Dick Turpin.

Yet what could have been a painful piece of self-regard or a British comedy love-in (absolutely everyone from the Britcom scene is here – Greg Davies, Mark Heap, Asim Chaudhry, Ellie White – in both cameos and larger roles) quickly turns into something very promising. One of America’s largest corporations has basically funded Fielding and chums to be very, very silly for six half-hours. It gives you hope.

The set-up sees Turpin as a vegan butcher’s son who, through a series of cock-ups and misunderstandings, finds himself at the head of “The Essex Gang”. Naturally, they’re useless, but somehow they keep failing upwards, evading the clutches of Turpin’s accidental nemesis, Jonathan Wilde (Hugh Bonneville), as well as the woman who turns out to be Wilde’s boss in the shady “Syndicate” (Tamsin Greig).

The series features scores of British comedians, including Greg Davies
The series features scores of British comedians, including Greg Davies - Apple TV+

Under the direction of Ben Palmer (The Inbetweeners, Breeders), the series fairly hammers along, and the six chaotic episodes will leave you wanting more. It is distinctly British not only in its cast (who are uniformly superb) but also in its humour. As much as the writers – Fielding, Claire Downes, Ian Jarvis, Stuart Lane, Jon Brittain and Richard Naylor – are happy to get wordy, gear-crunching modern idioms with the 18th-century setting in the manner of Blackadder, they’re also more than content to follow daft digressions and spool out running gags.

The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin is as much in the tradition of Tristram Shandy as it is Morecambe and Wise and Monty Python. That said, it is never above a Dick joke (and all the better for it.)

At the centre of it all stands, or lollops, Fielding: he seems to be doing so little that it’s only in episode four, where Turpin disappears for a while (he’s turned into a chicken by a witch) that you notice how he sets the tone. Fielding has done so many panel shows and presenting gigs since The Mighty Boosh that I had forgotten what a singular talent he is. Here they just wind him up and let him go: he stands and he delivers.

The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin is on Apple TV+ from Friday 1 March

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