This Company Wants To Pay You $1,000 To Unplug From Technology In An RV At A National Park

From Delish

Between hopping on numerous Zoom calls, binge-watching TV shows, and constantly checking social media, we could all use a break from our screens as we continue to spend more time at home. Well, now might be your chance to do just that and earn money: You can get paid $1,000 to unplug from technology and enjoy the great outdoors in an RV.

Satellite Internet, a company that helps people living in remote places find the best internet plans in their areas, is basically offering the opposite of what they sell. Its new dream "job" will let one lucky winner take a 48-hour digital detox in the best environment possible: in an RV at a U.S. National Park.

So what exactly are the job details? If selected, you'll have to rent an RV, which Satellite Internet will reimburse you for, and head to your favorite National Park campsite for a weekend without WiFi. That means spending time making s'mores, going on hikes, and just unwinding in nature... without capturing your experiences on social media. Per the contest's rules, no technology is allowed except for what you need to reach your destination safely. Once you're refreshed on the third night of your trip, you'll have to use a mobile hotspot or a local restaurant with WiFi to share your experience online.

For the digital detox, you'll get paid $400 upfront and the remaining $600 when you've finished the job. Along with the RV rental, you'll also get reimbursed for the hot spot and up to $1,000 in food.

Ready to unplug in nature? To qualify, you need to be eligible to work in the U.S., 25 years or older, and able to drive legally in any state you plan on traveling through. If you meet those requirements, apply here by September 23.

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