Community yard sale coming to Happy Valley

Apr. 26—The Happy Valley School PTO will be hosting a yard sale on Saturday, May 4, in the lot across from the school on 1358 Yadkin River Rd. The sale will begin at 7 a.m. and run indefinitely.

Sellers may purchase a spot for $10, which will go to the PTO, and must bring their own tables or blankets for the sale, but may keep proceeds from sold items. Community yard sales like these have a long tradition within Caldwell County, and provide an opportunity for the community to come together, share history and make new connections—and in this case supporting the school as well as cleaning up clutter. PTO president and organizer Maranda Andrews says that, if the sale proves successful, it will become a recurring event.

Spots will remain available for purchase until May 3, payable through the Happy Valley School office. For additional information about the event and its prices, contact Andrews at