After Combining Different Diets, I Lost 110 Pounds and Ran My First Half Marathon

Photo credit: Courtesy of Shandra Rae Redwine
Photo credit: Courtesy of Shandra Rae Redwine

From Prevention

My weight fluctuated all throughout my teens. I’d lose and regain the same 20 pounds over and over—but it wasn't until my mid-20s that I really began to struggle. It was during these years that I moved in with my now-husband. We were young, broke, and I was working through a lot of childhood trauma. Over the course of about 5 years, I gained 100 pounds.

It didn’t take long before my excess weight began affecting my health. Medical labs showed that I had high cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, and borderline diabetic blood sugar levels. I also suffered from insomnia, IBS, chronic kidney stones, and gallbladder disease. This last one wound up leading to gallbladder failure and removal. I was miserable.

During all of this, I was the sole owner of a salon and day spa in my hometown. I worked a lot and my husband and I were also talking about starting a family. One day, I decided to step on the scale. I ball-parked that I was around 220 pounds.

But I was shocked when the scale read 260 pounds—it was the heaviest I had ever been.

I was 29 at the time, and realizing that I was closer to 300 pounds was a major wake-up call. I knew that if I continued living the way I was, there was no way I could start a family.

So, I joined WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers), which taught me a lot about nutrition. I lost about 60 pounds before I had my two sons, who are now 3 and 5. After they were born, I wanted to reduce my sugar intake, so I switched to the keto diet and loved it.

I came up with a common-sense diet that I can actually maintain—and enjoy.

Ultimately, I combined everything I learned to create an eating plan that works best for me and my family. We simply eat carb-conscious, low-sugar, whole foods-based meals. Here’s what a typical day of eating looks like for me now:

  • Breakfast: two eggs with half an avocado, tomato, and goat cheese on whole wheat toast

  • Lunch: leftovers from dinner, like fish, chicken or beef, with a side of veggies and small fruit or yogurt/cottage cheese

  • Snacks: protein smoothie, yogurt, cottage cheese, toast or fruit with peanut butter, meat and cheese, veggies and hummus

  • Dinner: fish, chicken or beef with a side of veggies or salad

  • Dessert: frozen yogurt, berries with whipped cream, or a glass of Chardonnay

Then, I ramped up my exercise routine. I had read somewhere that it takes 21 days to form a habit. So, in the beginning, I committed to going to the gym every single day for 21 days. Physically, all I could handle was walking on the treadmill, so that’s what I did. Eventually, I built my way up to short bursts of jogging and then running.

Now, I consider myself an avid runner.

Last year, I ran my first half marathon. My husband is an ultra-runner and we spend a lot of time on the trails (and also at home on the treadmill). I currently exercise between three to six days a week, depending on my schedule, and I’m almost always following some sort of program that combines cardio or running with weightlifting. Right now I’m following the JD Fit “Ignite” program and monthly challenge by Janelle Flanagan.

Over the course of 5 years, I have lost 110 pounds. The first 60 pounds was before my sons were born. I lost the additional 50 pounds after my youngest was done nursing.

The best part: I’ve maintained my total weight loss for over a year and a half.

Whether it’s weight loss or any other major goal you have for your health, the first step is to take responsibility. When you do that, your whole life will change. You are far more capable than you realize and the path isn’t nearly as hard as it seems when you’re standing at the bottom of the mountain. The journey is never complete, but it’s so worth it.

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