Colorado Ski Resort Touts Nearly Five Feet Of New Snow In The Past Week

I'm not jealous—you are.

Winter Park Resort, Colorado, announced yesterday that they'd seen four and a half feet of fresh snow in the past seven days.

The announcement also contained helpful tips for weekend warriors planning to take advantage of Winter Park's powder harvest in the coming days:

"Carpool to the resort to help create more parking opportunities. We're expecting lots of skiers and riders up here this weekend so carpooling is our number 1 pro tip!"

"Check in regularly on road conditions through for all the latest on your travels."

"While out on the mountain, ski with a buddy. (We highly recommend friends on powder days.)"

"Mind all signs, ropes, and snow removal vehicles— and listen to staff directives (PS: don't forget to thank them for all their hard work if you see them around the resort!)."

I've got two favorites from this list of tips. First—carpooling, carpooling, carpooling. Driving to the hill alone—while sometimes necessary when your friends flake out—kind of sucks. Getting the crew in one car keeps the lots slim and saves money (and CO2 emissions). Remember that the number of people won't affect which lot you can use, though—Winter Park doesn't use a parking reservation system.

Second, is such a fantastic resource that it makes me want to move to Colorado. Snow storms are great and all, but they can make getting to the hill a real hassle. has trip times, closures, and other tidbits of helpful information all in one place, so you don't have to rely on occasional spotty mapping apps when formulating your plan of attack.

Looking ahead, the heavy snowfall at Winter Park is letting up for the time being, with light flurries predicted over the next few days. Still, while the resort might be a bit skied out come Saturday or Sunday, I'm sure pockets of the good stuff are waiting for those who know where to look.

Related: Powder Mountain's GM Answers Questions Following Announcement To Go Semi-Private

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