Colorado Ski Resort Blanketed By October Snowfall

Crested Butte Mountain Resort, Colorado, is looking a bit dreamy right about now.

In a Facebook post shared earlier today, the resort showed off the snowy digs, providing a peek at the results of Colorado's latest storm.

The storm cycle, which has brought snow to resorts throughout the Rocky Mountains and the West Coast, appears to be wrapping up today. The NOAA Crested Butte forecast calls for sunny and relatively warm conditions over the next few days.

That's no big deal, though. Crested Butte Mountain Resort's official opening date is November 22nd, so the resort has plenty of time to stack snow before firing up the bullwheels.

In the meantime, check out these photos provided to Powder by Crested Butte Mountain Resort. If these don't get your winter stoke levels up, I don't know what will.

Now that's cozy.<p>Taylor Ahearn / Crested Butte Mountain Resort</p>
Now that's cozy.

Taylor Ahearn / Crested Butte Mountain Resort

Downtown Crested Butte looking good in a fresh white coat.<p>Taylor Ahearn / Crested Butte Mountain Resort</p>
Downtown Crested Butte looking good in a fresh white coat.

Taylor Ahearn / Crested Butte Mountain Resort

A chairlift awaits the arrival of eager skiers.<p>Taylor Ahearn / Crested Butte Mountain Resort</p>
A chairlift awaits the arrival of eager skiers.

Taylor Ahearn / Crested Butte Mountain Resort

The impending arrival of winter is officially concrete. While the snow might not stick around at Crested Butte Mountain Resort, I think it's safe to say that we skiers have heard Mother Nature's signal loud and clear: get those skis waxed, make those necessary gear purchases you've been putting off, and do those snow dances -- we'll all be skiing before we know it.

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