Colorado Ski Area Plans To Begin Snowmaking In 12 Days

Today, September 19th, Loveland Ski Area, Colorado, shared on Facebook that it had completed its snowgun tests in advance of the 2023-2024 winter season.

And it announced some even more exciting news: the resort plans to start snowmaking in only 12 days.

From the caption:

"Ready, Test, Go! The Loveland Trail Maintenance team conducted tests on all the snowguns today, in preparation for the upcoming 2023/24 season. Loveland hopes to start making snow in 12 days!"

Okay, does that mean that Loveland plans to open in 12 days? Hold those horses.

While Loveland plans to get the snow guns firing on October 1st, the resort wrote in a September 12th release that they're targeting late October or early November as an opening date.

This opening window puts them in contention with another popular Coloradan resort known for offering early season turns: Arapahoe Basin. Only time will tell who fires up the bullwheels first.

For more Colorado-based ski news coverage, tune in to Powder contributor Cam Burns' Centennial State channel.

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