Colorado Sanctuary Prepares to Take in Animals From Puerto Rico's Closing Zoo

We’re so happy they’re going to a safe place.

Puerto Rico recently closed the doors to the last remaining zoo in the country following years of complaints of the mistreatment of animals and lack of resources. Over 300 animals are having to be rehomed following this closure. And a Colorado wildlife sanctuary will be taking in some of these animals.

The Keenesburg-based sanctuary previously planned to rescue the large carnivores from the Puerto Rican Zoo, but with damage to the island from the hurricanes, it had to be put on hold. Not for any longer though. Take a look at the report from 9News.

Wow! Our hearts are filled with joy that these animals will finally be getting the care and attention they need. Executive Director of the Wild Animal Sanctuary Pat Craig said they will be taking in as many animals as they can. Some animals will need to go to other states because of Colorado’s cold weather such as elephants, rhinoceros and hippos. Some animals will be able to travel by boat, while a majority of them will fly in specialized planes.

“We’ve flown many animals from all over the world before. We brought a lot of animals from South America and also even South Korea and made large airlifts like that, so we’re very familiar with doing this,” Craig told 9News.

These animals will join about 700 other animals in the sanctuaries several locations. The only sanctuary opened to the public is in Keenesburg and spreads over 1,200 acres. There is also a 10,000-acre facility. The nonprofit sanctuary also recently purchased 22,000 acres for another location. We’re so thankful these animals will be in a safe place. Visit the sanctuary’s website to learn more and donate.

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