Colorado hummingbirds: When they arrive, how to identify them and attract them to your yard

Usually, you hear them before you see them, the buzzing sound of rapid wing beats alerting you to the return of hummingbirds to Colorado backyards in spring.

What a pleasant surprise when you finally match the sound with the sight of these colorful balls of energy hovering over a blooming flower or birdfeeder.

Here is what to know regarding when hummingbirds arrive in Colorado, which ones spend time here and how you can attract them to your landscape:

When do hummingbirds arrive in Colorado in spring?

Hummingbirds generally seen in Colorado mostly winter in Mexico from September to April.

They generally arrive in Colorado starting in mid-April, with migration lasting into May, and they generally migrate south in late summer.

They stay for some time in the Fort Collins area before typically moving to the foothills and mountains for the summer.

According to the hummingbird tracking site Hummingbird Central, there have been a smattering of hummingbird sightings in the past several weeks in the Fort Collins area.

Here are four hummingbirds you typically see in Colorado

  • Broad-tailed: These are the most common species found along the Front Range. Some have been reported in the Fort Collins area this spring. Males have reddish-pink feathers covering their throats and iridescent green feathers along their backs. Females have duller colors. They breed in Northern Colorado mountains and foothills and West Slope.

  • Black-chinned: There have been a few sightings in the Fort Collins area this spring. These typically pass through our area. Adult males are identifiable by iridescent purple feathers bordering black chin feathers. Females have dull metallic green backs. They breed in western Colorado.

  • Rufous: Migrates through the western half of Colorado. Males have distinctive bright orange on back and belly with iridescent red throat feathers. Females have greenish back and faint rusty patches on flanks.

  • Calliope: Smallest bird in North America at 3 inches in length and weighing about the same as a penny. Males have distinctive look with streaked magenta throat with greenish back. Females have bronze-green back. Largely just passes through with possible breeding in far west Colorado.

How to attract hummingbirds in Colorado

Attracting hummingbirds to your landscape isn't just for the thrill of seeing, and hearing, them, but they also serve as pollinators.

Providing patches of habitat is critical along their migratory path to provide food sources and resting areas.

Here is how to landscape your yard to attract hummingbirds:

  • Hummingbirds are most attracted to bright and showy flowers.

  • Native plants are best as hummingbirds can help propagate natives and most native plants require low water once established. These plants also will attract insect pollinators.

  • Provide plants that offer a succession of blooms early in the season until late.

  • Plant in groups of three or more and in layers, replicating nature.

Denver Gold columbine, red valerian and penstemon are all hummingbird-friendly plants in this Windsor, Colo., garden
Denver Gold columbine, red valerian and penstemon are all hummingbird-friendly plants in this Windsor, Colo., garden

These plants attract hummingbirds and other pollinators in Colorado

Late spring to early summer

  • Penstemon

  • Sandia coral bells

  • Columbine

  • Salvia

  • Mint


  • Missouri evening primrose

  • Harebells

  • Beebalm (Mondarda)

  • Daylilies

  • Jupiter's Beard (red valerian)

  • Morning glory (annual that readily reseeds)

Late summer-early fall

  • Hummingbird trumpet

  • Hyssop (Agastache)

  • Western salvia (Western sage)

  • Common sunflower (annual)

  • Butterfly bush (shrub)

  • Rose of Sharon (shrub)

For annual flower containers, try petunia, zinnia, lantana, calibrachoa, cleome, nasturium

Tips to attract hummingbirds to feeders, with some rules

Plants are a better option to attract hummingbirds, but feeders are fine if you adhere to these rules:

  • Don't need to buy store-bought mixes. Just mix one part white sugar to four parts water and stir until sugar is dissolved.

  • Do not add red dye to the mixture. Red flowers at feeding ports will attract hummingbirds.

  • Thoroughly clean your feeders every few days to prevent bacteria and mold and prevent disease.

  • It is best not to put up hummingbird feeders when bears are active, especially in the foothills and mountains. If you do put up feeders, take them down nightly to prevent unwanted visitors.

This article originally appeared on Fort Collins Coloradoan: Here is when you can expect to start seeing hummingbirds in Colorado