Tell Us Your Dorm Room Friendly Recipes You Can Actually Cook In A Dorm Room, And You Might Just Help A Hungry College Student

Living in on-campus housing in college is super convenient, though the lack of a kitchen can make eating on your time a bit challenging. If you get a late-night craving or your class/work schedule isn't in line with the dining hall hours, you're on your own. Food delivery adds up, and having a mini-fridge can only take you so far.

El Corte Inglés / Via

That's why I want to hear from college students and alumni — what are (or were) your go-to dorm room recipes that you can actually cook in a dorm room?

Maybe you like to keep it chill and leave some oatmeal in a jar of milk overnight, then add on desired toppings like strawberries and blueberries in the morning — an easy breakfast or afternoon snack.

student mixing overnight oats in their dorm room
beatissimo / Via

Perhaps you own a mini rice cooker, which should be allowed since they're not an open heat source, and you love to prep rice with some soy sauce and frozen vegetables in it. It's an easy meal you can set and forget.

chicken congee in a rice cooker
ILuvHKong / Via

Do you swear by making loaded "baked" potatoes in the microwave by poking holes in the potato, sticking it on a plate with a strip of bacon, then nuking those in the microwave for five to seven minutes, before cutting it open and adding in sour cream, chopped green onion, cheese, and the bacon?

baked potato on a paper plate
College Dorm Vegan / Via

Or perhaps you think outside of the box and use an electric kettle to boil an egg or two, which you can then upgrade your instant ramen with. Your late night snack game is A+ for it!

eggs in an electric kettle
Yummieliciouz Food Recipes / Via

Share your dorm room friendly recipes that you like to prep steps away from your twin-sized bed in the comments below (or through this anonymous Google form if you'd like to be private), and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!

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