College Student Apologizes to “Future Wife” for Bad Wedding Hashtag Name, Twitter Lends a Hand

Student Steven Kleinschmidt tweeted an apology to his “future wife” for having a bad wedding hashtag name—Twitter erupted with punny ideas.
Student Steven Kleinschmidt tweeted an apology to his “future wife” for having a bad wedding hashtag name—Twitter erupted with punny ideas.

Having a cute and quippy wedding hashtag is of the utmost importance to many to-be-weds. But what happens if your name is a bit more challenging to work with? In a recent viral thread of tweets, Twitter users quickly and collectively accepted this particular creative challenge.

In one hilarious tweet, college student Steven Kleinschmidt expressed how sorry he was to his hypothetical future wife for having a less-than-ideal last name for a punny hashtag.

Kleinschmidt posted his clever apology in response to another tweet from user Grace Randles, in which she jokes about her fear of potentially marrying a man with an unfortunately un-punny surname.

Kleinschmidt’s lament opened the door for others to reply in mock commiseration about their own last names. “I’m right there with you buddy,” user Parker Vezertzis wrote. “Smh join the club,” user David Swartzentruber added.

Aww, don’t fret guys! Of course, Kleinschmidt’s and his sympathizers’ tweets invited the Twitter-sphere to unveil its versatile pun chops and prove that, as user @jataraodom writes, “Anything can be turned into a pun.” Here, some of our personal favorites.

And Kleinschmidt thought it couldn’t be done! We think he’ll be just fine when the time comes. Twitter users apparently agree, even implying the time will come sooner than he thinks—preferably from meeting someone in this thread of puns.

Kleinschmidt is allegedly still single, but with all this newfound hashtag potential, who knows how long that will last.

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