A college dean is defending assignments that requires students who are studying to become teachers to analyze “whiteness". Students at Texas State University can opt to take an online course called “Public Education in a Multicultural Society". According to the syllabus, the purpose of the class is to broaden students’ knowledge of public schooling. "to include a consideration of culturally relevant teaching and learning for diverse students". Students are expected to complete three graded assignments that center on whiteness . One assignment instructs students to define whiteness and provide examples of whiteness in the media. Another encourages students to “take the stance of an educator and explain to other educators how whiteness is a construct of privilege... that must be examined carefully to facilitate equitable classroom dynamics". Michael O’Malley is the dean of Texas State University's College of Education. In a statement, he argued that studying whiteness allows for a better understanding of how racism plays a role in education. O'Malley added, "Part of our work is to help future educators understand... where and how to begin conversations about race by engaging in self-reflection"