Give Your Coleslaw A Greek Twist By Using Tzatziki As Your Base

Bowl of coleslaw with fresh parsley
Bowl of coleslaw with fresh parsley - irina2511/Shutterstock

Coleslaw is a traditional American side dish revered for its creamy consistency and zesty flavor. You can easily transform crunchy raw cabbage into a fresh, irresistible salad with the help of mayonnaise, mustard, vinegar, and sugar. Yet, if you've grown tired of standard coleslaw dressing, there's a simple yet tasty way to adjust the base flavor of this classic food. To breathe new life into this popular side dish, use tzatziki sauce.

Instead of making sweet and tangy coleslaw dressing with mayo, provide this iconic salad with an entirely new and unexpected flavor profile. Greek tzatziki sauce is primarily composed of thick Greek-style yogurt, shredded cucumbers, garlic, and a variety of spices and fresh herbs such as fresh mint or dill. Beyond giving your coleslaw a new and unexpected taste, homemade tzatziki sauce provides an added boost of nutrition.

Greek yogurt is packed with protein, B vitamins, and calcium. By using tzatziki sauce in your next batch of coleslaw, you're upgrading the underlying flavor and nutritional profile of this favorable side dish. Keep in mind, the overall consistency of your coleslaw may change due to the thickness of Greek yogurt and the added texture from shredded cucumber. By following a few important tips, your next batch of coleslaw can easily be enhanced with the bold flavors of tzatziki sauce.

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How To Effectively Incorporate Tzatziki Sauce Into Your Next Bowl Of Homemade Coleslaw

Homemade tzatziki sauce
Homemade tzatziki sauce - Liliya Kandrashevich/Shutterstock

Luckily, tzatziki sauce has other uses besides serving as a veritable dip for lamb kebabs. You can easily change the entire flavor profile of your coleslaw recipe with this bright, refreshing sauce. Unlike sweet and savory mayo-based dressing, tzatziki sauce has a lighter, more lively taste due to the addition of raw cucumber and fresh herbs. If you're making tzatziki sauce from scratch, after shredding cucumbers, make sure to add a bit of salt and squeeze out any excess liquid before mixing with Greek yogurt.

Next to the vibrant flavors of raw cucumber, dill, and mint, most tzatziki sauce recipes include a bit of olive oil and an acidic component like vinegar or lemon juice. The savoriness of olive oil coupled with the sharp bite of fresh lemon make this classic warm-weather side dish even more satisfying. Once shredded cabbage has been added to the mix, feel free to add additional spices like dried oregano or onion powder for extra flavor.

When all is said and done, if you appreciate the added protein from Greek yogurt but miss the savory qualities of mayo, make your own signature tzatziki dressing by using a select combination of Greek yogurt and mayonnaise mixed together. Besides adjusting the creamy components of your coleslaw, you can swap out the vegetables of this traditional side dish as well.

Creative Ways To Enhance Tzatziki Coleslaw

Seasoned chicken with tzatziki and cabbage
Seasoned chicken with tzatziki and cabbage - wsf-s/Shutterstock

Beyond crafting a specialized sauce with select seasonings, to make the best coleslaw ever, use different vegetables and extra toppings. Instead of making tzatziki-inspired coleslaw with only green or purple cabbage, why not pair the refreshing bite of cucumbers with shredded zucchini? Since zucchini has a mild flavor, the bright flavor of cucumber will shine through even more. Like cucumber, make sure to squeeze shredded zucchini before using. You can also combine zucchini, cabbage, and cucumber together for more variety. If you want to give your coleslaw a more robust taste, try julienned bell peppers. Bell peppers add a dose of delightful color to your coleslaw and give this dish a more distinct flavor profile. Top freshly made coleslaw with extra herbs or roasted pumpkin seeds for an added crunch.

Now that you know there are several ways to make tzatziki coleslaw, your options are endless when it comes to food pairings. While any type of coleslaw serves as a delicious accompaniment to the perfect cheeseburger or pulled pork sandwich, you can pair this flavorful side dish with many unique meals. Use tzatziki coleslaw to upgrade air fryer falafel or serve as a cold contrasting side to marinated chicken and rice. When served alongside warm pita bread and marinated olives, this tasty coleslaw stands as a central component to your next appetizer platter. Coleslaw made with a Greek twist gives a wide variety of popular meals a punch of refreshing flavor.

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