Cole Sprouse Says Farewell to 'Riverdale'...?

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images


Warning: Contains spoilers for Riverdale.

Cole Sprouse said goodbye last night. After a dramatic episode of his CW hit show, in which his character, Jughead, was badly injured in a fight and carried away by his father FP (Skeet Ulrich), fans were left worrying about whether their beloved Jug would survive. Not helping matters much was Sprouse's tweet following the episode.

"Grateful, thank you #riverdale," he wrote. It's a vague enough goodbye-and so minimal that it's probably a joke. (A main cast member taking their leave in a four-word tweet? Nah.) Still, assuming he's not thanking the show for giving him the world's hottest and strongest on-screen dad, it did seem like Sprouse was saying his time on the show was over. He once told that he would play Jughead until it stopped being fulfilling-could that moment possibly have come?

Fans weren't at all convinced he'd dip out in this manner:

But some panicked:

Still, it's likelier that Sprouse was kidding than that he's departing the show. He could also have been thanking the show for his epic episode (which is a troll move if ever there was one). Whatever it might be, Riverdale fans will find out what Jughead's fate is in next week's finale.

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