Cold Stone Is Releasing Cookie Dough in Pints You Can’t Possibly Resist

Photo credit: Instagram @threesnackateers
Photo credit: Instagram @threesnackateers

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Cold Stone Creamery isn't skimping on its cookie dough offerings. It has released Cookie Doughn’t You Want Some cereal, three cookie dough ice cream creations, and round chocolate-covered cookie dough chunks - and that’s all just within the last month! Well, the latest tasty treat comes in the form of cookie dough pints, and just the thought has us salivating.

I’m going to be real with you: There is next to no information on Cold Stone’s cookie dough. It’s all thanks to Instagram account @threesnackateers that we even know they exist! They were spotted at the Sweets & Snacks Expo in Chicago last month. If we had to guess, we’d think this was edible cookie dough -not the kind you bake. But who knows!

As we see in the photo, Cold Stone’s cookie dough comes in (at least) two flavors: Dough for It and Somewhere Over the Rain Dough - both of which are Signature Creations at the shop. The first consists of classic cookie dough ice cream, chocolate chips, cookie dough, and sugar crystals. The more colorful one has a classic cookie dough ice cream base and is mixed with frosting, rainbow sprinkles, and sugar crystals. Both sound amazing, so we hope those flavors are incorporated into the cookie dough.

According to the caption, the cookie dough is “coming soon” but “is still in development.” We’ll be keeping our eye out for more info and letting you know when you can officially crack open a pint!

Read More:

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