Coffee Maker Forces Plane to Make an Emergency Landing

Coffee Maker Forces Plane to Make an Emergency Landing

A Southwest Airlines plane was forced to make an emergency landing this week after multiple people claimed they smelled fumes. After the plane landed and was investigated, the culprit turned out to be a nothing more than coffee maker located in the back of the plane. If this report proves anything, it’s that airplane coffee is bad.

Flight 1539 was flying from Orlando to Houston when both passengers and crew began to smell fumes, which eventually began to fill the back of the cabin, Southwest Airlines spokesman Brian Parrish told Pensacola News Journal. To avoid potential disaster, the plane made an emergency landing in Florida’s Pensacola International Airport.

Once they safely landed in Florida, all passengers and crew evacuated the plane, with emergency medical crews on-site to attend to anyone who may have been affected by the fumes.

It was only after the plane was checked that the source of the fumes was determined to be a coffee maker located in the back of the plane.

All passengers were eventually allowed to reboard the plane, and it then traveled safely to Houston. All things considered, in terms of reasons for emergency plane landings, this one really wasn’t too bad. However, it was not reported whether any passengers ordered a coffee during the remainder of the flight.