Cody Townsend Shares Pond Skim Dreams

Cody Townsend posted a video to Instagram recently of him pond skimming, writing, "I’ve only entered the best, the original and the most classic pond crossing of all time, the Cushing Classic at Palisades Tahoe, CA, three times."

But, as Townsend "brags", he has also won the pond skim 3 out of 3 times. Watch below.

You can see why. Cody Townsend not only makes it across the pond, he actually butters across it. Hey, it takes something extra besides making it to the other side to win, right?

Cody paid a little homage to the ongoing joke at Palisades Tahoe feigning surprise to pro skiers, asking them in disbelief, "are you a pro?" and then promptly proclaiming, "I'm so much better than you!"

Cody wrote, "all the skiers at Palisades Tahoe who claim to be the best skier on the mountain…they know deep down inside how incorrect they are every time they say it."

"Anyways, last time I entered was in 2017 with this Butter 3 and I haven’t thought of an idea to top it yet. Saturday, May 4th it’s on again. I unfortunately will be on a glacier, but maybe it’ll give me some time to dream how to go 4 for 4 one day."

We're bummed Cody's missing this year's competition, because he'd put on a show, but being on a glacier doesn't sound too unfortunate to us.

Related: Where To Ski In May 2024

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