Cocaine-Addicted Sharks Are Attacking Florida Surfers (Video)

In The Night of the Gun, a memoir from the late, great journalist, lauded New York Times columnist, and cultural commentator, David Carr, he recalls his drug days in which he and his degenerate friends had a code name for cocaine: “more.”

As in, on a typical night out, once they had their first sniffs of nose candy, they always were fiending for, well, more.

And it appears, sharks are no different; they love the stuff, not to mention shark’s consumption of illegally smuggled cocaine could be leading to higher rates of attacks.

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“Sharks off the coast of Florida could be ingesting cocaine dumped into the ocean,” said a reporter from News Nation.

“Smugglers tend to offload illegal cargo while trying to evade authorities. And it happens more than you might think. In June, the coast guard found more than 14,000 pounds of cocaine wrapped in packages, floating in the Caribbean and the Atlantic…worth an estimated $186 million.

“Now, scientists are trying to figure out if sharks are eating the cocaine, and how it might affect them."

Another reporter added:

“We’ve all been hearing about how shark activity is up, and in Florida, there’s been claims about cocaine-fueled sharks due to drug dumping. According to some scientists, the problem of ‘cocaine sharks’ may be real.

Following the hypothesis that sharks may act erratically or more aggressively (i.e. attack humans more frequently) when they ingest cocaine, scientists conducted an experiment.

They placed food and cocaine wrapped in bails in the ocean, to see which substance the sharks were attracted to. And you guessed it, they went for the cocaine.

“We don’t really know how sharks react to cocaine,” said Dr. Tracy Fanara, a “cocaine shark” researcher (yeah…apparently, that’s an actual job).

“It might make them more docile; it might slow down their movement…”

Typically, that’s not how most humans (and animals?) react to the substance. At least…so I’ve heard from anecdotal reports, of course.

Regardless, step aside Cocaine Bear – the offbeat, loosely based on a true story action-comedy film from 2023 – and stay tuned for Cocaine Shark.

Release date, TBD.


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