May 15—Zeta Tau

On Wednesday, May 8, Zeta Tau members met at Milroy United Methodist Church for an initiation of a new member, Terri VanSchoyck, a meal, and chapter monthly meeting.

Andrea Niedenthal and Becky Knecht arranged for an enjoyable Olive Garden meal for the members. Seventeen of 20 members were present.

The meeting was opened by President Angie Fette. Members recited the Opening Verse. The secretary's and treasurer's reports were accepted.

Julie Tackett read a thank you note from the Milroy Community Food Pantry.

Reports were given by the Standing Committees concerning the chapter's monthly reports. Julie Tackett collected money for the Animal Shelter. For the year our chapter has donated over $1,500! She submitted our chapter's article for the Helicon. Laura Jessup reported we may have another lady who wants to join our chapter. We voted to supply $100 for hearing aid batteries to a school.

Project Reports that concern our fundraisers for the philanthropic projects were stated. Our Raise Right app is doing well. We will have a fundraiser at the Rushville Dairy Queen on Wednesday, September 4. Come see us and enjoy some ice cream! See our flyer for our bingo/purse event on June 3!

Our chapter's 60th anniversary is October 11. Our chapter was chartered in 1964. Plans are being planned for a trip to St. Louis, Missouri, in November.

Suzy Mann was announced as our Girl of the Year! She is on the Flower Committee and is in charge of the Raise Right program. Congratulations to Suzy!

Our 2024-2025 slate of officers were installed. President Carolanna Yager; Vice President Laura Jessup; Recording Secretary Dana Fussner; Cooresponding Secretary Peggy Fussner; Treasurer Andrea Niedenthal, Co-Treasurer Nicki Hall; Conductress Jane Niccum; and Advisor Angie Fette. We thank these ladies for serving our chapter!

Birthdays and anniversaries were mentioned.

Brags & Complaints provide dollars that are used for our chapter's projects. Several gave a dollar or more and reported on happenings in their lives.

The meeting concluded after reciting the Psi Iote Closing.

Our next meeting is at 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 10, at Mary Ann Crisman's home.

Need a gift? Zeta Tau will order RADA items for you. This fundraiser helps our philanthropic organization assist Rush County!

Gingham Gals

The Gingham Pals Homemakers met at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 8, at the home of Eleanor Arnold. President Beth Walsh welcomed the group and led in repeating the Club Creed and the Pledge to the American flag. In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, Beth used this quote from an unknown source: "One minute of anger can weaken your immune system for 4 to 5 hours. One minute of laughter can boost your immune system for 25 hours."

Nine members answered roll call with "Do You Have Plans?" The theme of our lesson was a history of East Hill. The minutes were read and approved and Treasurer's report given. We may have a fundraiser later or pass the hat to improve our balance. Beth passed out the new Fair Books and encouraged everyone to exhibit something this year.

Jackie Newkirk had the Cultural Arts report and gave many dates to keep us occupied. Riverside Park has many events. The Garden Fest, May 18, is one we are involved in. Rush County Homemakers will have a booth and be selling Rada cutlery, plants, and various items to finance our scholarships. Homemaker Christy Singleton will be giving one of the lessons. It was also mentioned the Jones Family farm, north of Connersville on Ind. 1, has u-pick strawberries.

Trixie Woodard gave the inspiration quoting from Martin Luther King Jr.: "If I can not do great things, I can do small things in a great way."

We made a few plans for the Homemakers Kick-Off at 6 p.m. June 3 at the Jackson Community Building. It is a fair theme. We will meet at 10 a.m. that morning to set up. We may possibly have a cotton candy machine and a popcorn machine.

Eleanor Arnold gave a very interesting lesson on the history of East Hill Cemetery. Death is something we do not like to think about and try to avoid, but it is certain to come. East Hill was founded in June 1859. It was the county's first true "garden cemetery" and possibly one of the first in the nation. Leo Weltz, born in Prussia and educated at Heidelberg University, came to Rushville where he devoted several months in laying out the avenues and platting what would become East Hill. The beautiful entry arch was added in 1901 and has had some restoration through the years. There are many notable people buried there including Wendell Willkie, Knowles Shaw, Dr. John Arnold, the Kennedy brothers and Dr. Jefferson Helm, to name a few. It is truly a beautiful place and we are proud it to say it is in Rush County.

The meeting was adjourned and we enjoyed delicious refreshments served by Trixie Woodard.

Our next meeting is June 13, and it is our outing. We will meet at 6 p.m. at the Laurel Hotel for supper.