This Up-Close Video of Breast Milk Has Been Viewed Over 2 Million Times

Breast milk has been described as "liquid gold," and that might explain why a video of the substance magnified under a microscope is getting so much traction online. It's common knowledge that breast milk offers up some extraordinary benefits for moms and their babies—but did you know it's actually quite beautiful on its own?

Jansen Howard is giving us a closer look at breast milk, and the Internet has lost its mind over the visual. Howard, a new mom, placed a single drop of her milk under a microscope and filmed the results. She shared the video online two years ago, where it's been viewed over two million times 

RELATED: What's in Your Breast Milk?

"You guys... this is SO COOL!!!!!!!! this is the living liquid gold we call breast milk in motion!!!! My dad is a blood microscopist and this is a single drop of my breast milk under his microscope!!!! It's miraculous and it's ALIVE tailored to my babies needs at this moment!!!! Absolutely amazing!!!" Howard captioned the video.

The clip has earned over 16,000 shares and 2.8K plus comments from users who have expressed their amazement.

The Huffington Post reported that Howard chose to look at her breast milk after her baby got sick. “I had heard about how breast milk actually changes in composition constantly to fit the needs of your child, like when they are sick, your breast milk is full of antibodies tailored to whatever they have,” Howard said.

This video makes that idea easier to believe, doesn't it? The breast milk looks so complex and it really is an incredible thing to see. It's funny: Breast milk is something we praise extensively, yet we hardly ever stop to take a look at it. That's why we love this video—are you as fascinated by it as we are?

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