Clip: Surfers Collide in Synchronized Wipeout, Kelly Slater Calls it ‘Beautiful’

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Most wipeouts make us cringe.

Same goes for snakes, drop-ins, injuries, fails, etc. – they elicit feelings of dread, fear, anger, or schadenfreude (a sensation of pleasure at someone else’s misfortune).

But this next one, this is something different.

It comes from KookSlams, and it shows one unidentified surfer dropping in on another at an undisclosed wave. They inevitably collide, but unlike other drop-ins, in which a violent wipeout ensues, the two do a sort of elegant, synchronized dance.

Kelly Slater commented on the clip: “Beautiful.”

In the caption, KookSlams referenced a famous scene from one of the most-quoted comedies of the last 20 years:

“Remember the scene in step brothers where they both clock each other at the same time?”

The scene shows the two titular characters, played by Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly, engaged in a fight to the death over their discontent with their parents’ union. A (step) brotherly quarrel, if you will.

At one point, with a baseball bat and golf club in hand, the two simultaneously strike each other in the head, falling in unison, knocked the f*ck out, to the ground.

Fight, ended.

Cue the slo-mo, the classical music.

“What the f*ckin’ f*ck,” says actress Mary Steenburgen, as the mom.

Yep, this is pretty much the surf version of that.


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