This Clever Hack Proves We’ve Been Straining Pasta Wrong This Whole Time

Listen up, noodle fans: There’s a pasta strainer hack making the rounds on social media that just might inspire you to think twice about your standard draining technique.

The trick literally flips the script on the method most of us have relied on for years. That is, of course, putting your colander in the sink, pouring the pasta and water into it, then returning the pasta to your pot to finish it up with sauce and toppings.

According to the short clip below, we should actually be placing the strainer inside the pot and then use it to hold the pasta at the bottom while just pouring the water out.

Take a look:

If you feel like your mind is blown, you’re not alone — the video has over 100,000 views from people who are just as baffled and intrigued.

The beauty of this strainer hack seems to be skipping the steps where pasta leaves the pot before going right back in. It can also minimize the chance of losing stray noodles in your sink when they slip away from the strainer as you pour.

There are a few caveats, though. First, you obviously need to have a colander that fits perfectly in your pot. Plus, you should make sure your strainer is able to withstand the heat of that metal pot you boiled the pasta in. No one wants their dinner to come with a side of melted plastic.

Naysayers might also claim you’re still tossing away all the “liquid gold” pasta water, but we can see this technique actually making it easier to reserve a bit back as you pour versus the colander-in-sink method. Or you can ignore both methods and use our tip to skip the straining process entirely by using just enough water to get soaked up by the pasta as it cooks.

No matter which trick or technique you decide to use, you’ll have a yummy pile of pasta waiting for you on the other side!