How to Clean Lululemon Leggings: A Comprehensive Guide for Long-lasting Wear

Verywell / Jessica Juliao
Verywell / Jessica Juliao

Reviewed by Heather Black, CPT

Lululemon leggings are a popular wardrobe staple for many people. What makes this brand so desirable is the fact that their clothing is based on the “science of feel,” which is easily understood once you slide your legs into a pair of their buttery-soft leggings. But, Lululemon leggings are not cheap. In fact, the majority of these leggings cost between $98 and $128. But fans of the brand say they are well worth the hefty price tag.

These leggings are made from high-quality fabrics that hold their shape well over time. Plus, the company also claims to “brush” each item with a special mechanical treatment that ensures softness. They also test each lot of fabric for efficacy before it leaves the mill.

Needless to say, if you own a pair of Lululemon leggings, you want to ensure that they stand the test of time, not only because you love them, but because you spent your hard-working money on them! To keep your Lululemon leggings from losing their luster over time, you need to take good care of them.

The first step to caring for Lululemon leggings is to recognize that their complex design and high-quality fabrics require a bit more TLC than the average pair of leggings. Here, we’ll dig into the nitty-gritty details about how to properly clean and care for Lululemon leggings and avoid common pitfalls that can lead to damage.

Related:We Tested the 14 Best lululemon Leggings of 2023

Verywell / Jessica Juliao
Verywell / Jessica Juliao

How to Wash and Care for Lululemon Leggings

Of course, you’ll need to wash your leggings frequently, but be wary when doing so, as Lululemon leggings require special washing treatment. Here's what you need to know about washing these leggings.

Preparing for Washing

The first step is to prepare your leggings for the wash. You’ll want to sort through your laundry to make sure that you separate the Lululemon clothing from everything else.

You’ll also want to turn the gear inside out and make sure that any zippers or Velcro are not facing outward. It is also helpful to doublecheck the clothing for any stains that you can rinse off prior to washing so that these marks don’t transfer to the other items in your wash.

Washing Lululemon Leggings

You can wash Lululemon leggings in the machine or by hand. But, Lululemon recommends using the least amount of detergent possible. Any excess soap may inhibit certain qualities in the material that helps repel water.

While the type of detergent doesn’t matter as much, it can be beneficial to use one without fragrance, as it contains fewer ingredients. Most Lululemon leggings require that you wash them with cold water, but it’s a smart idea to scroll down to the “Material and Care” section online for the specific pair you’re washing to make sure.

Drying Lululemon Leggings

While you can use your machine to wash your Lululemon leggings, the company recommends air drying instead of machine drying. This helps protect the longevity of the LYCRA® fibre and helps maintain the desirable shape and stretch of your leggings. Additionally, machine drying your leggings could lead to shrinkage over time, so it’s in your best interest to air dry whenever possible.

Storing Lululemon Leggings

How you store your Lululemon leggings doesn’t matter as much as how you wash and clean them. But folding them properly can help protect them from damage. It’s also a smart idea to stack your leggings together in one area of your drawer so that they are rubbing up against like fabric instead of other fabrics that could potentially cause pilling.

When packing Lululemon leggings for travel, it’s a smart idea to use the same method. Pile like fabrics together and even consider using packing cubes so that they are separated from other clothing or items.

Verywell / Jessica Juliao
Verywell / Jessica Juliao

Common Mistakes to Avoid

As you care for your Lululemon leggings, it can be helpful to avoid common and seemingly harmless mistakes that can compromise their quality. Here are some common mistakes to avoid.

Washing Leggings with Rough Fabrics

Make sure you’re washing your Lululemon leggings with only like fabrics and, ideally, only Lululemon clothing items, since they are made with a special LYCRA® fibre. Be careful not to throw anything textured into the wash with your Lululemon leggings such as towels, Velcro materials or terry cloth, as this can cause abrasions and lead to pilling.

Using Fabric Softeners or Bleach

Fabric softeners and bleach can ruin the quality of the fabric in Lululemon leggings over time. So, it’s a good idea to avoid adding anything but detergent to your wash, whether you’re hand washing or machine washing.

Washing in Hot Water

Cold water is best when it comes to washing Lululemon leggings, according to the company, because it helps maintain the integrity of the fabric, prevent the color from fading and maintains the desired shape of the leggings.

Machine-Drying on High Heat

Lululemon recommends air drying their leggings instead of machine drying. If you don’t have time to air dry, you could opt to air dry in your dryer or on the lowest and coolest setting possible to avoid compromising the quality of your leggings. 

Bottom Line

If you own Lululemon leggings, it is important to properly care for them in order to maintain their shape and quality. Just make sure you wash them with like fabrics in cold water and avoid the dryer if you can. Doing so, will ensure your leggings stand the test of time with limited pilling, stretching, and fading.

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