How to Clean Hardwood Floors and Have Them Shine Again

Photo credit: FollowTheFlow - Getty Images
Photo credit: FollowTheFlow - Getty Images

Hardwood floors warm up any room they grace, and all the more so when they fully shine. Although they can maintain their beauty for decades, they do need the right care and occasional deep cleaning to do so. But what's the best cleaning solution to use clean them safely and/or naturally without streaks? Is there a good DIY or vinegar-based option? And how often should you mop them (perhaps using this TikTok famous mop)?

Here’s what you need to know about how to clean hardwood floors and have them shine again, as advised by Brett Miller, vice-president of technical standards, training, and certification for the National Wood Flooring Association. So whether you are working on your spring cleaning checklist, wanting to try eco-friendly products, or just know your floors need some TLC, time to read up on and get to cleaning.

Place mats by entryways.

Since throw rugs trap dirt, sand, and pebbles from your shoes that get tracked indoors, make sure you place rubber pads outside your exterior doors while keeping decorative rugs (with natural fiber non-slip pads) inside. In particular, buy ones with a label reading “safe for wood floors” to make sure they won’t damage or discolor the hardwood finish.

Give your hardwood floor a daily once-over.

Don’t wait for a big clean to remove dirt or grit, “which becomes like sandpaper underfoot,” says Miller, from your hardwood floors. Instead, use a microfiber or terrycloth mop or soft broom work to sweep it daily. You can also use a vacuum, but make sure it has a hardwood floor setting and that the beater head is turned off to prevent dents or scratches.

Be careful about shoes and pets.

Take off any cleats or shoes with spiked heels or at least use caution when wearing them because they can dent floors. Watch out for your dogs too as their nails can scratch the floors, and big dogs can even gouge them. A key to that is regular pup pedicures—be sure their toenails stay trimmed and that sharp edges are filed off.

Use slides on furniture legs.

Keep fabric-backed slides on the bottom of furniture legs such as chairs to prevent dragging them over the floor. Use the kind that stick on, not the ones that hammer in, because if it pops off, the nail is exposed, says Miller.

How do I clean my hardwood floor?

Most of the time, sweeping will keep the dust and debris under control. But you may need to do a deep clean every month or so. For starters, never, ever use a steam mop, which drives water into the grooves and crevices. And avoid products that promise to “restore” or “add shine” or “add luster.” “They may contain an acrylic polish which leaves a residue on wood flooring,” says Miller. “They look good for a week then scuff and build up a waxy residue.”

Instead, use a mop that’s slightly damp and mostly wrung out. Spray mops are fine as long as you don’t overdo it and leave the floor sopping wet. Select cleaning products that are appropriate for your floor’s finish and clearly labeled “for wood floors.” If you’re not sure what kind of finish you have, contact the manufacturer or check with a wood flooring pro. Modern floors often are coated with polyurethane but older floors may be waxed. And some new finishes are penetrating oils. Using the wrong product can leave a sticky mess.

Can I use vinegar and lemon juice to clean hardwood floors?

Natural doesn’t necessarily mean safe! “Both of these are acidic. While they do clean, over time, they break down the finish and sheen,” says Miller. So, while an occasional wash is okay if it’s all you have on hand, it’s not recommended for regular use.

When is it time to refinish my hardwood floor?

Every three to five years, you’ll likely need a maintenance, also called glaze, coat, which is application of a new layer of the floor’s finish. If your floor starts to look dull or has tons of scratches, water damage, or places where the finish is worn down to the raw wood, it may be time to sand the old finish off and apply a new one. It’s generally not a DIY job because it’s labor-intensive and requires a high level of skill for even sanding and application of finishes. When the time comes, get several estimates and look for contractors who are certified refinishers.

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