How to Clean Every Type of Floor—and Keep It Spotless

Giving your space a good cleaning is essential to achieving a happy and healthy home, but maintaining your floors—especially when your house has a variety of different flooring that all requires its own specific type of maintenance—can feel like an insurmountable task. Still, cleaning the floors regularly is a necessity. Once armed with our tips, you'll find that your weekly clean doesn't have to be something you dread. Whether your home is mostly hardwood, carpet, tile, or stone­—or even a mix of all four—we'll teach you how to properly clean it. What's more, we're sharing pro-approved products for every task.

It's best to sweep, vacuum, and mop your floors to remove any dirt and dust that has collected on nearly all floors types, says Leanne Stapf, COO of The Cleaning Authority. "It is best to clean your floors every one to two weeks. Be sure to regularly sweep your floors, especially when cooking a lot, to make sure food and other debris does not get kicked around and scratch up the floors. Sweeping is also best for any type of floor, whereas water can damage floors (including waxed wood)," Stapf says.

But how you clean your floors, and how frequently you give them a good wash, depends on a multitude of factors—including your floor type. Some mediums are more finicky to clean than others. It's important to be careful when cleaning hardwood, says Mary Gagliardi, Clorox's in-house scientist and cleaning expert. "Avoid using abrasive cleaning supplies like scrubbing pads or hard bristle brushes to prevent scratches," she adds.

Consumers should read labels before cleaning their floors, notes Robin Vega, Clean Republic's director of marketing and brand development. "Did you know that manufacturers are not required to list ingredients on household products?" she says. "Yes, this should shock you!" To be sure you're maintaining a clean home without dangerous chemicals, she recommends checking the Environmental Protection Agency's guidelines before washing your floors. Ahead, our experts share the best methods and products for cleaning every type of floor in your home, whether it's carpet, tile, hardwood, or laminate.