How to Clean a Cast Iron Pan Without Ruining It

Your kitchen MVP needs a little tender loving care.

Cast iron is about as close to a perfect piece of cooking equipment as you can get. They’re cheap, they last forever, they sear steak like a dream, and using one regularly can even boost your iron intake. Can your cheapie non-stick skillet do that? Didn’t think so.

Perhaps you’re reluctant to buy one, though, because you’ve heard they’re a bit...tricky to clean. It’s true that you can’t toss them in the dishwasher, or even wash them with soap like a typical pan. But it’s not difficult to take care of cast iron pans, and once you get the hang of it you’ll be using one constantly. Promise.

On seasoning:
Seasoning refers to a thin layer of oil that has bonded with the cooking surface of a cast iron pan, rendering a slick texture to which food, theoretically, does not stick. Seasoning is what makes cast iron pans great and it must be protected at all costs. That’s why you’re about to jump through a bunch of finnicky hoops to clean and care for your cast iron pan: to protect the seasoning. Don’t worry—most cast iron pans come pre-seasoned. If yours isn't seasoned, or seems to need some extra love, see below on how to fix your seasoning.

See the video.

What to avoid:
Cast iron is great for searing meat, as previously mentioned. It’s also good for sautéing vegetables, baking cornbread, crisping fried rice, frying eggs, and a myriad of other things. You know what’s cast iron is NOT good at cooking? Anything liquid, and anything with acid. Liquid can cause rust. Acid strips the seasoning, and as previously mentioned, that should be avoided. This means no vinegar and no citrus, but it also means no tomatoes. I know. It’s unfortunate.

How to clean it:
Soap also strips seasoning, so it’s a no-go when it comes to cleaning cast iron. Here’s how I get around that: take your dirty cast iron pan and scrub it with the coarse, dark green side of a soap-free sponge under running water until all food particles are gone. Place it on a burner on your stove and heat it until dry. Then take a tiny bit of cooking oil and rub it into the cooking surface of the pan with a towel while it’s still warm. Voila! Good as new.

How to store it:
Cast iron is heavy and can be awkward to store. To be perfectly honest, at my house, sometimes the cast iron pans just live on the stovetop. But if you are going to store them, I recommend hanging—with an appropriately heavy-gauge hook, of course—or storing them stacked on a shelf with a piece of paper towel between each pan. Both of these methods will keep you from messing up the seasoning. Don’t. mess. up. the, seasoning!!

How to fix your seasoning:
I know, I said protect the seasoning at all costs. But sometimes shit happens. If your pan is in really bad shape, there are all kinds of involved methods for fixing it. But if you just notice a couple spots that look dull and not shiny, there are easier ways to show it some love. The tastiest way to do this is just to fry up some bacon. But if bacon is not on your particular horizon, you can rub some vegetable shortening or cooking oil into the surface of the pan, then flip it over (cooking side down) over a gas burner for a few minutes. Let it cool completely, and your slick cast iron pan should be ready for action.