A Classic Board Game Just Launched a New Surf-Themed Huntington Beach Version

Remember when people played board games for fun? You know, back in the "old days" before we stared at our phones alone playing Wordle and Candy Crush?

Monopoly, the game of real estate trading, was a staple in most households where families would pass the time paying taxes, avoiding jail, and passing go for $200.

Now a new and improved game for surfers has hit the market and everything on the board is surf-themed.

The latest Monopology to be released is the Huntington Beach Edition, where all the properties are based on real places in Surf City USA.

"The Daily Pilot" captioned the post above yesterday:

"The Surf City edition of the famous board game, featuring famous landmarks from Huntington Beach, was unveiled on Wednesday."

The basic rules of the game remain the same: players purchase property, they pass go, and Free Parking remains.

According to the Daily Pilot, surf-themed updates include:

  • "Huntington Beach Pier and Pacific Coast Highway represent Boardwalk and Park Place in the Surf City edition."

  • "The Bolsa Chica Wetlands, a lifeguard tower, and Golden West College represent the more expensive green properties."

  • "Other well-known locales on the board include Pacific City, Main Street, Jack’s Surfboards, the skate park, the Surfing Walk of Fame, and the International Surfing Museum.

  • "The least expensive purple properties, Mediterranian and Baltic avenues are represented by two Huntington Beach favorites — bonfires and the dog beach."

  • "Instead of railroads, the Huntington Beach edition of the game features other modes of transportation: roller skates, a skateboard, Rad Power Bikes and Corky Carroll’s Surf School. There are also customized “community chest” and “chance” cards."

Huntington Beach Monoplogy is available online as well as at Banzai Bowls and Jack’s Surfboards in downtown Huntington Beach, "The Daily Pilot" reported.


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